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EURO STRESS TEST: i risultati
Rapido flash per darvi i risultati degli Euro Stress Test condotti dall’EBA.
8 banche falliscono lo stress test: 5 banche spagnole, due greche ed una austriaca.
Gli otto istituti bocciati sono le greche Atebank ed Eurobank, l’austriaca Volksbanken e le spagnole Caja 3, Banco Pastor, Catalunya Caixa, Unnim e Cam. Le otto banche bocciate devono raccogliere 2,5 miliardi di euro di nuovo capitale presentando un piano entro il 15 ottobre per riportare il Core Tier 1 sopra il 5% entro fine anno.
Results of the 2011 EU-wide stress test
The European Banking Authority (EBA) published today the results of its 2011 EUwide stress test of 90 banks in 21 countries
1. The aim of the 2011 EU-wide stress test is to assess the resilience of the banks involved in the exercise against an adverse but plausible scenario.
For the 2011 exercise, the EBA allowed specific capital increases in the first four months of 2011 to be considered in the results. Banks were therefore incentivised to strengthen their capital positions ahead of the stress test.
The 2011 EU-wide stress test results show that:
At the end of 2010, twenty banks would fall below the 5% Core Tier 1 Ratio (CT1R) threshold over the two-year horizon of the exercise. The overall shortfall would total EUR 26.8 bn.
Between January and April 2011, a further net amount of some EUR 50 bn of capital was raised.
Taking into account these capital raising actions implemented by end April 2011
Eight banks fall below the capital threshold of 5% CT1R over the twoyear time horizon, with an overall CT1 shortfall of EUR2.5 bn.
Sixteen banks display a CT1R of between 5% and 6%.
On the basis of these results, the EBA has also issued its first formal recommendation stating that national supervisory authorities should require banks whose CT1R falls below the 5% threshold to promptly remedy their capital shortfall. The EBA notes that this is not sufficient to address all potential vulnerabilities at this point. Therefore, the EBA has also recommended that national supervisory authorities request all banks whose CT1R is above but close to 5%, and which have sizeable exposures to sovereigns under stress, to take specific steps to strengthen their capital position. These would include, where necessary, restrictions on dividends, deleveraging, issuance of fresh capital or conversion of lower-quality instruments into Core Tier 1 capital.
The EBA will monitor the implementation of these recommendations and produce progress reports in February and July 2012. The 2011 EU-wide stress test provides an unprecedented level of transparency on banks’ exposures and capital composition to allow investors, analysts and other market participants to develop an informed view on the resilience of the EU banking sector.
La farsa continua….solo 2,5 miliardi di Euro necessari per ricapitalizzare le banche!!! E’ una barzelletta, come gli altri stress test. Cifre assolutamente incoerenti con quanto scritto nei passati post sull’esposizione al debito PIIGS.
(Reuters) – Eight European banks are not strong enough to withstand a prolonged recession and need to raise 2.5 billion euros ($3.5 billion) in capital, an industry health check aimed at reviving investor confidence showed on Friday.
The “stress test” of 90 banks in 21 countries showed five banks in Spain, two in Greece and one in Austria failed the test. The European Banking Authority (EBA), the regulator running the test, said full details on the banks that failed will be released later.
Between five and 15 smaller lenders had been expected to fail the test. All big banks passed, as expected. The International Monetary Fund has warned Europe it is taking too long to rebuild its banking system and the threat of the Greek debt crisis spreading to bigger countries such as Spain and Italy has further rattled investors.
Buon week end…
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immagino che avrebbe passato pure questi 🙄
Ciao Dream!