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FINITI I SOLDI. Adesso il consumatore USA ha perso il turbo
FLASH: adesso è ufficiale. Le famiglie USA e quindi il consumatore americano, ha esaurito il plus che ha alimentato i consumi fino ad oggi. Si tratta dell’eccesso di risparmio. Come vedete siamo palesemente in negativo. E voi sapete bene quanto è importante il sentiment del consumatore USA.
“Consumers remained concerned with elevated price levels, which predominated write-in responses. March’s write-in responses showed an uptick in concerns about food and gas prices, but in general complaints about gas prices have been trending downward. Indeed, average 12-month inflation expectations came in at 5.3 percent—barely changed from February’s four-year low of 5.2 percent. Recession fears continued to trend downward both in write-in responses and as measured by consumers’ Perceived Likelihood of a US Recession over the Next 12 Months. Meanwhile, consumers expressed more concern about the US political environment compared to prior months.” (Source)