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ALERT: Ungheria a rischio default?

Scritto il alle 15:40 da Danilo DT

Le notizie sul rischio default dell’Ungheria si stanno moltiplicando in rete. La cosa grave è che non si tratta solo di rumors ma anche di qualcosa più serio.
Ecco un estratto di alcuni flash di Bloomberg.


June 3 (Bloomberg) — Hungary’s new government will push ahead with efforts to cut the budget deficit, Prime Minister Viktor Orban said.
“No question that the target of Hungarian economic policy will be to reduce the budget deficit,” Orban told reporters in Brussels today after meeting European Commission President Jose Barroso. “The deficit is a bad thing and balance is a good thing.”
Orban said he has to first restore “transparency” to the public accounts before discussing figures. “We will fight against the budget deficit and we will keep it under control,” Orban said. He also pledged to reduce debt and take steps to boost Hungary’s competitiveness.

Secondo FLASH

June 3 (Bloomberg) — Hungary has a “slim chance to avoid the Greek situation” and the new government’s primary objective is to avoid a sovereign default, said Lajos Kosa, deputy chairman of the ruling Fidesz party, according to The economy is in a “much worse” situation than Fidesz had forecast, according to information revealed during the transfer
of power to the new government Kosa said at a conference in Budapest today, according to Napi.
Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s administration will unveil a two-year crisis management plan this weekend and may suspend some constitutional provisions to tackle the situation, Kosa
said, Napi reported.

Questo Flash, che tra le altre cose ha fonti governative, è molto preoccupante. Infatti il partito al governo ammette che l’ipotesi “rischio Grecia” è tutt’altro che da scartare…


June 3 (Bloomberg) — European Commission President Jose Barroso called on Hungary’s new government to step up the pace of deficit reduction as far as possible.
Barroso said he told Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban “to pursue and accelerate if possible fiscal consolidation efforts.”
Speaking to reporters after meeting Orban in Brussels, Barroso added: “I am pleased to see that Hungary is determined to reinforce efforts for fiscal consolidation.”

Barroso e la BCE sono coscienti della difficile situazione dell’Ungheria. Ma se effettivamente il Deficit prende il volo….chi salverà l’Ungheria? Oppure si accetterà una situazione di rinegoziazioned el debito?

Quarto FLASH

June 3 (Bloomberg) — European Commission President Jose Barroso warned Hungary against easing up on efforts to cut the budget deficit.
“Our message to Hungary and to other countries is that they should accelerate their fiscal consolidation and not to relax consolidation,” Barroso told reporters in Brussels today after meeting Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. “Hungary is in a very delicate situation, let’s put it clear. No complacency.”
Barroso added: “The markets will immediately punish a country that now goes out of that target.”

Barroso è categorico: castigare chi non rispetta i parametri, nessun compiacimento. L’Ungheria è in una situazione molto delicata. E, aggiungo io, non ha l’Euro e quindi può esere gestita in modo diverso e “più snello”…

Quinto FLASH

June 3 (Bloomberg) — Hungary’s new government will take steps to boost competitiveness, Prime Minister Viktor Orban said.
“We need deep structural reform and we need commitment, quick, fast actions in order to increase competitiveness, which the Hungarian government is ready to make,” Orban told reporters in Brussels today after meeting European Commission President Jose Barroso.

Lungi da me fare terrorismo psicologico, ma se avete letto i flash, c’è puzza di un nuovo “caso Grecia”.

Stiamo all’erta.

CDS Ungheria

Al momento non sta subendo particolari oscillazioni. Questo sarà un termometro fondamentale per la crisi eventuale del paese ungherese. Da monitorare con attenzione. Intanto però questa tranquillità apparente è secondo me da sfruttare…

MI fermo qui, chi ha orechhie per intendere, intenda.



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