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Dieci buoni motivi che annunciano la fine del rally

Scritto il alle 15:39 da Danilo DT


David A. Rosenberg è stato uno degli analisti che più ho seguito nel periodo in cui in pochi ancora vedevano la crisi che stava maturando. Era il tempo in cui i vari Nouriel Roubini, Marc Faber, Rosenberg appunti, Gerard Minack erano considerati vere “voci fuori dal popolo”, la gente viveva nell’illusione di avere una borsa che saliva all’infinito, coi paraocchi che i giornali sapevano fornire sapientemente.
Ma era difficile ignorare quanto stava accadendo.

Ed è quello che sto/stiamo cercando di far capire ai lettori. Come ignorare la situazione che stiamo vivendo?  Come facciamo a dire che la crisi è finita?

David Rosenberg, diciamo la verità, è rimasto per certi versi molto sorpreso dal rally. Lui non se lo aspettava così violento e forte, ed invece…il mercato ci ha regalato una performance paurosa, un rimbalzo dai minimi veramente deciso.

Ma ora…che sia arrivato il momento di decretare la fine del rally?

Ecco quanto dice Rosenberg nel suo ultimo report.

1. For the time being, the equity market is going to have to contend with more chatter of the Fed’s exit strategy.

2. The market also faces a new reality. While employment stabilizing (maybe) is a good thing, it means the era of declining unit labour costs and margin expansion is behind us.

3. Market leadership is beginning to fade as seen by the receding advance-decline line on the big board.

4. Market complacency is a worry with the VIX index back down to 21.25. The good news is that insurance against a correction is priced about as low as it can go. Protection is cheap.

5. The WSJ reports that not only have individual investors been selling into this last leg of the rally (then again, the S&P 500 has really done nothing for over six weeks), but pension funds have been rebalancing too.

6. Volume has declined markedly and has surpassed 4.7 billion shares on the NYSE just once in the past three weeks.

7. With the correlation between a weak greenback and a positive stock market above 90% over the past eight months (versus zero over the past 30 years), a countertrend rally in the U.S. dollar would likely coincide with sputtering equity prices.

8. The Dow transports/utilities ratio has turned in a classic triple-top and this is a signpost to get defensive.

9. The latest Investors Intelligence poll shows the bull camp at 50%; the bear share at a mere 16.7%. In other words, there are three bulls for every bear. This is negative from a contrary perspective (another sign of complacency).

10. Corporate bond yields have stopped narrowing over the past three months and have actually recently shown modest signs of an upward bias.

Per chi ha problemi con la lingua, credo che con un normale “traduttore on line” possiate già ottenere una buona mano.

Poi Rosenberg continua….

In the U.S., it was fascinating to see the stock market’s reaction to the employment data on Friday. The markets couldn’t handle the good economic news very well considering that we closed the S&P 500 at 1,106 versus the intra-day high of 1,119; and the Dow finished at 10,389 compared to its intra-day high of 10,516. Indeed, this was the second outside reversal session in a row, and leadership is beginning to falter. The Nasdaq just can’t seem to crack the 2,200 threshold despite the strength in the semiconductor group, which has emerged as a leader (and Apple, can you believe it, just lost its 50-day trendline!). What explains this behaviour?

1. Classic buy the rumour, sell the fact.

2. The market had already priced in the jobs recovery long ago.

3. Investors had become accustomed to treating negative employment positively because of what it meant for costs and margins.

4. By giving the greenback a lift, the stronger than expected jobs data took away the dollar “carry trade” (the key reason why gold was knocked down … temporarily).

5. Fed tightening expectations have crept back into the marketplace.

Quindi, il mercato ha ormai prezzato tutto. Come ben sapete, concordo con questa view, solo che il mercato”teorico” si muove in una direzione, mentre quello reale, in un’altra.
Aspettiamo, con calma e serenità, il momento della verità, che prima o poi, arriverà. MA nel frattempo atteniamoci ai comportamenti bizzarri del mercato, senza inventarci nulla.
Altrimenti rimarremo inghiottitti nel vortice dell’emotività e della relatività operativa.


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