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Scritto il alle 09:24 da Danilo DT


Ci mancava ancora il Baltic Index, e la frittata è fatta.

Guardate il grafico e meditate.
Certo, ci possono essere tutte le scuse del mondo, tutte le speculazioni ed i limiti del caso, Ma un Baltic Index che mi fa un -44% in 35 giorni non certo cosa da poco, vi pare? Segnale chiaro di un rallentamento del commercio globale, dei noli marittimi e di una evidente frenata che sta colpendo anche la Cina. Certo, non sarò di certo un record storico, anche perché guardando il grafico capirete che il Baltic Index è sempre stato molto volatile, però forse vuole dirci qualcosa.

In Cina, rallenta in giugno la crescita del settore manifatturiero: si sono fatte sentire le misure adottate delle autorità del Paese per raffreddare il mercato immobiliare e l’espansione creditizia, ma anche l’incertezza sulle prospettive dell’export di fronte ai numerosi segnali di indebolimento della ripresa globale. L’indice Pmi manifatturiero ufficiale cinese è sceso al livello più basso dallo scorso febbraio, a 52,1 pts dai 53,9 di giugno. Le attese erano fissate a 53,1 pts. Si tratta ad ogni modo della sedicesima rilevazione mensile consecutiva sopra la soglia dei 50 pts che demarca la crescita dalla contrazione del settore. In calo anche l’indice dei direttori d’acquisto elaborato dalla banca Hsbc: l’Hsbc-Pmi cinese si è portato a 50,4 pts in giugno da 52,7, ai minimi da 14 mesi. (Fonte : Unicredit)

Non occorre dire altro. Apritevi il grafico qui sotto e godete di una volatilità da record….

Grafico Baltic Index

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June 29 (Bloomberg) — Seaspan Corp., the New York-listed ship lessor, said currency controls will be a key issue in determining whether it moves ahead with a possible stock offering in China.
“If I sell shares in Shanghai I get yuan in return, but yuan are no use to me,” Chief Executive Officer Gerry Wang said in an interview in Shanghai yesterday. “I need to convert them into dollars.” A Shanghai listing would give the Hong Kong-based company funds to buy vessels as global trade and shipping rates rebound, subject to China’s controls on converting yuan into foreign currencies. HSBC Holdings Plc and Standard Chartered Plc have also said they may sell shares in Shanghai as China considers allowing listings by overseas companies.
“If companies are looking to raise money in Shanghai and then channel it elsewhere, the capital restrictions would be an impediment,” said David Cohen, an economist at Action Economics in Singapore. “Still, the Chinese don’t want to rush blindly into the opening up of financial flows.”
China last year paused efforts to make the yuan more convertible on the capital account to help cope with the global financial crisis. The country restricts currency convertibility to help safeguard the stability of the financial system.
Shanghai’s stock exchange is drafting rules for a board on which overseas companies will be allowed to sell shares, Chairman Geng Liang said in March. The international board still faces legal hurdles as current legislation doesn’t cover many matters related to overseas companies issuing yuan-denominated stocks and bonds, Yao Gang, vice chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, said earlier this month.

(…) Separately, Wang said rising availability of container vessels may mean that cargo-box rates are unlikely to climb any further this year, even as demand recovers from last year’s slump. Spot rates for carrying 40-foot containers from Shanghai to Los Angeles have risen to about $3,000 from less than $1,000 at the start of 2009, he said. Rates may hold at current levels before starting to decline from November when the low season for transpacific trade begins, he said.

(…) Demand for Chinese goods has increased this year as U.S. importers rebuild inventories following cuts last year and as they step up buying in expectation of a stronger yuan. Container imports at U.S. ports may rise as much as 15 percent from last year through October, according to the National Retail Federation, a U.S. trade group. (…)



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