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Link Finanziari: calma apparente sui mercati

Scritto il alle 08:42 da Danilo DT

Berlino rialza al 2,3% le stime sulla crescita 2011 ma nel 2012 la locomotiva tedesca rallenterà la corsa – Il Sole 24 ORE

Il banchiere infedele finisce in manette – Corriere della Sera
Elmer accusato di violazione del segreto bancario. Aveva passato a Wikileaks i dati di 2 mila clienti

DeMark prevede un top con correzione del 10%

Lessons From 2010 « The Kirk Report
cosa ci ha insegnato il 2010?

Gold Correction Or Consolidation? | FINANCIAL SENSE
ORO: correzione o consolidamento e nuovi rialzi?

QE2 and its Consequences | FINANCIAL SENSE
Le conseguenze del quantitative easing 2.0

Earnings Season Begins | FINANCIAL SENSE
Si riparte con le trimestrali USA….

The U.S. & China Going in Opposite Directions | FINANCIAL SENSE

How Sustainable Is Growth with Triple-Digit Oil Prices? | Jeff Rubin
E’ possibile parlare di ripresa con il petrolio a 100 $?

Did the Poor Cause the Crisis? by Simon Johnson – Project Syndicate
Non sono certo i poveri a causare le crisi….

Greenspan Confirms the Fed’s Highly Leveraged Fix
Leva finanziaria e FED

Blogging: a means not an end Abnormal Returns
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Alcuni buoni motivi per cui nasce un blog…. sarebbe da far leggere a qualche mio collega blogger….

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14 commenti Commenta
Scritto il 20 Gennaio 2011 at 09:09

Ho provato a copiare un riassuntino degli articoli in processo di pubblicazione per oggi dal mio dashboard, (cosi’ non dovrei finire nello spam) ci sono alcuni interessanti articoli di finanza anche se oggi mi sono dedicato prevalentemente a leggere articoli sulle profezie (che poi dovrebbe essere il mio principale interesse) alla fine e’ riportata l’ora in cui saranno pubblicati.

The Prophecy Of The Anunnaki

Life is speeding up and things are changing. We’re getting close to the Event Horizon. What is that you may ask? The Event is when time will change and reality will also. This was prophesized a long time ago. I … Continue reading →

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The Prophecy Of The Anunnakithe-prophecy-of-the-anunnaki17287613openopenfuture210120110047221Anunnaki, Prophecy Mario Uncategorized Anunnaki, Prophecy 0 0 2011/01/21 12:47:22 AM
2011, the Year of the Great Floods

The HogueProphecy Bulletin Poisonous Brown Snake swimming for high ground or high houses in the great Australian “Wet” of January 2011. Friends,A vast cloud river in the heavens swelled and seemed to break out of the confines of its usual … Continue reading →

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2011, the Year of the Great Floods2011-the-year-of-the-great-floods17287613openopenfuture210120110045221floods, Great Mario Uncategorized floods, Great 0 0 2011/01/21 12:45:22 AM
Morons and Halfwits

I found myself reading comments on global warming alarmist Joe Romm’s Climate Progress today. They were complaining about denialist Mark Morano and his highly effective Climate Depot website (which I’d just visited). I thought the following comment was (unintentionally) quite … Continue reading →

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Morons and Halfwitsmorons-and-halfwits17287613openopenfuture210120110006221Halfwits, Morons Mario Uncategorized Halfwits, Morons 0 0 2011/01/21 12:06:22 AM
Bell Ringer

(Image: source.) A(nother) bell-ringing moment for the so-called recovery? “Economic Recession Lingers at Salvation Army Food Programs” (PRNewswire) 94 Percent Report Increased Demand for Assistance as Charitable Donations Stagnate Despite officially ending in June 2009, the economic recession is having a … Continue reading →

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Bell Ringerbell-ringer17287613openopenfuture200120112340221Ringer Mario Uncategorized Ringer 0 0 2011/01/20 11:40:22 PM
Swiss+Tech UKCSB-1 Utili-Key 6-in-1 Key Ring Tool

Swiss+Tech® Utili-Key® Utili-Key® — Just Plain Sharp! Swiss+Tech Products proudly presents its popular line of sharp-looking Utili-Key® Key Ring Tools, finely ground for precision sharpness. These Lifetime Warranted tools have helped build the strong Swiss+Tech® reputation for precision, high quality … Continue reading →

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Swiss+Tech UKCSB-1 Utili-Key 6-in-1 Key Ring Toolswisstech-ukcsb-1-utili-key-6-in-1-key-ring-tool-217287613openopenfuture200120112322221SwissTech, UKCSB1, UtiliKey Mario Uncategorized SwissTech, UKCSB1, UtiliKey 0 0 2011/01/20 11:22:22 PM
Spain To Bail Out Cajas, More Billions In Taxpayer-Funded Risk Transfer

The 2011 edition of European bail outs has begun. The WSJ has just announced that the Spanish government is about to inject a fresh round of billions of euros into its insolvent savings banks (cajas) sector. This is not at … Continue reading →

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Spain To Bail Out Cajas, More Billions In Taxpayer-Funded Risk Transferspain-to-bail-out-cajas-more-billions-in-taxpayer-funded-risk-transfer17287613openopenfuture200120112234221Billions, Cajas, Spain, TaxpayerFunded, Transfer Mario Uncategorized Billions, Cajas, Spain, TaxpayerFunded, Transfer 0 0 2011/01/20 10:34:22 PM
Market Valuation Since the 1990s

Market Valuation Since the 1990s January 19, 2011 Market valuation is a regular subject on this website, so I was particularly struck by this item from The Chart Store featured on Barry Ritholz’s Big Picture. The notes explain the … Continue reading →

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Market Valuation Since the 1990smarket-valuation-since-the-1990s17287613openopenfuture2001201122322211990s, Market, Since, Valuation Mario Uncategorized 1990s, Market, Since, Valuation 0 0 2011/01/20 10:32:22 PM
10% Decline Predicted for S&P 500

Tom Demark, founder of Market Studies LLC is calling for a 10%+ decline in the S&P 500 that should begin within the next two weeks. DeMark’s Sequential and Combo indicators are used by many of the largest hedge funds in … Continue reading →

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10% Decline Predicted for S&P 50010-decline-predicted-for-sp-50017287613openopenfuture200120112148221Decline, Predicted Mario Uncategorized Decline, Predicted 0 0 2011/01/20 9:48:22 PM
You Don’t Know One-Fifth of It: The Latest Behind the Bailouts

We thought we knew about the bailout … but what you’ve heard before is just the beginning. Last week, as the result of an amendment to the financial reform bill, the Federal Reserve was required to disclose details of lending … Continue reading →

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You Don’t Know One-Fifth of It: The Latest Behind the Bailoutsyou-dont-know-one-fifth-of-it-the-latest-behind-the-bailouts17287613openopenfuture200120112059221Bailouts, Behind, Latest, OneFifth Mario Uncategorized Bailouts, Behind, Latest, OneFifth 0 0 2011/01/20 8:59:22 PM
12 Economic Collapse Scenarios That We Could Potentially See In 2011

What could cause an economic collapse in 2011? Well, unfortunately there are quite a few “nightmare scenarios” that could plunge the entire globe into another massive financial crisis. The United States, Japan and most of the nations in Europe are … Continue reading →

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12 Economic Collapse Scenarios That We Could Potentially See In 201112-economic-collapse-scenarios-that-we-could-potentially-see-in-201117287613openopenfuture200120112040221Collapse, Could, Economic, Potentially, Scenarios Mario Uncategorized Collapse, Could, Economic, Potentially, Scenarios 0 0 2011/01/20 8:40:22 PM
Global Warming in Bible Prophecy

According to the Bible, global warming will occur much sooner, and will be more severe, and much different than is predicted by the earth’s scientists. Furthermore, those who believe that the human race has the intelligence and power to prevent … Continue reading →

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Global Warming in Bible Prophecyglobal-warming-in-bible-prophecy17287613openopenfuture200120112000221Bible, Global, Prophecy, warming Mario Uncategorized Bible, Global, Prophecy, warming 0 0 2011/01/20 8:00:22 PM
Quikclot Sport Brand Advanceed Clotting Sponge ,Stop Bleeding Fast, 50 Gram Packages

QuikClot Sport brand hemostatic agent is based on the same QuikClot brand hemostatic agent used by the US military, federal agencies, EMS, police and fire departments everywhere. Remove the QuikClot Sport from the package, apply to the wound using pressure … Continue reading →

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Quikclot Sport Brand Advanceed Clotting Sponge ,Stop Bleeding Fast, 50 Gram Packagesquikclot-sport-brand-advanceed-clotting-sponge-stop-bleeding-fast-50-gram-packages17287613openopenfuture200120111917221Advanceed, Bleeding, Brand, Clotting, Packages, Quikclot, Sponge, Sport Mario Uncategorized Advanceed, Bleeding, Brand, Clotting, Packages, Quikclot, Sponge, Sport 0 0 2011/01/20 7:17:22 PM
Are You Ready For The Universal Internet ID That Barack Obama Wants To Impose On All Of Us?

The Obama administration is developing a “universal Internet ID” program that would watch, track, monitor and potentially control your activity on the Internet. These “trusted identities” are being touted as a way to increase safety and security on the Internet … Continue reading →

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Are You Ready For The Universal Internet ID That Barack Obama Wants To Impose On All Of Us?are-you-ready-for-the-universal-internet-id-that-barack-obama-wants-to-impose-on-all-of-us17287613openopenfuture200120111856221Barack, Impose, Internet, Obama, READY, Universal, WANTS Mario Uncategorized Barack, Impose, Internet, Obama, READY, Universal, WANTS 0 0 2011/01/20 6:56:22 PM
Breakthough solution for power plants – pump the CO2 into the sea…oh, wait

From the EPA might have something to say about that department…this press release from LNL suggests dumping tons of Calcium Bicarbonate as a byproduct of CO2 scrubbing into the oceans instead. Only one teeny little problem – most coal fired … Continue reading →

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Breakthough solution for power plants – pump the CO2 into the sea…oh, waitbreakthough-solution-for-power-plants-–-pump-the-co2-into-the-sea…oh-wait17287613openopenfuture200120111854221Breakthough, plants, Power, seaoh, solution Mario Uncategorized Breakthough, plants, Power, seaoh, solution 0 0 2011/01/20 6:54:22 PM
UK Muslim Woman Threatened by her Cousin to Wear the Hijab

Defiant: Alya Al-Safar, arrived at court with her hair on show. She said Al-Hakim, phoned her to tell her she must die for the shame she had brought on her family. A man threatened to kill his cousin and harm … Continue reading →

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UK Muslim Woman Threatened by her Cousin to Wear the Hijabuk-muslim-woman-threatened-by-her-cousin-to-wear-the-hijab17287613openopenfuture200120111818221Cousin, Hijab, Muslim, Threatened, Woman Mario Uncategorized Cousin, Hijab, Muslim, Threatened, Woman 0 0 2011/01/20 6:18:22 PM

PermalinkOn average, landslides kill about 8,000 people every year. They can occur without warning.Landslides are becoming more frequent as the sprawl of population takes us further into other terrain where hills and slopes are altered to accommodate us.For example, during … Continue reading →

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Landslidelandslide17287613openopenfuture200120111737221Landslide Mario Uncategorized Landslide 0 0 2011/01/20 5:37:22 PM
Prophecy Sibyl

I seen it in over fifty visions That this world to its end will come In the year, two-thousand and sixteen For everyone! That is, if fate has its way. And the Little Horn is at play! While mountains split … Continue reading →

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Prophecy Sibylprophecy-sibyl17287613openopenfuture200120111659221Prophecy, Sibyl Mario Uncategorized Prophecy, Sibyl 0 0 2011/01/20 4:59:22 PM
The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy of Aging Stereotypes

“Of all the self-fulfilling prophesies in our culture, the assumption that aging means decline and poor health is probably the deadliest.” ~Marilyn Ferguson, The Aquarian Conspiracy, 1980 I just remembered something very interesting my mother shared with me about her … Continue reading →

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The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy of Aging Stereotypesthe-self-fulfilling-prophecy-of-aging-stereotypes17287613openopenfuture200120111659221Aging, Prophecy, SelfFulfilling, Stereotypes Mario Uncategorized Aging, Prophecy, SelfFulfilling, Stereotypes 0 0 2011/01/20 4:59:22 PM
Military Style Duffle Bag, Parachute Cargo Bag

Rothco Parachute Cargo Bag is made of heavy canvas with double web handles for extra support. Has a zipper that opens the full length. Great for travel and sports equiptment. Makes a great gift. Specifications: 24″ X 15″ X 13″ … Continue reading →

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Military Style Duffle Bag, Parachute Cargo Bagmilitary-style-duffle-bag-parachute-cargo-bag17287613openopenfuture200120111620221Cargo, Duffle, Military, Parachute, Style Mario Uncategorized Cargo, Duffle, Military, Parachute, Style 0 0 2011/01/20 4:20:22 PM
Does Scotland hold the key to the referendum outcome?

AV referendum question – actual wording on the ballot (ICM 10,011 sample poll)YES %NO %One of the consequences of the big Labour filibuster in the House of Lords (they were at it again overnight) is that it could delay the … Continue reading →

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Does Scotland hold the key to the referendum outcome?does-scotland-hold-the-key-to-the-referendum-outcome17287613openopenfuture200120111605221outcome, referendum, Scotland Mario Uncategorized outcome, referendum, Scotland 0 0 2011/01/20 4:05:22 PM
Scientific American still running false warming story

And the domino newscloning effect continues…UPDATE: At 5:30PM PST, it appears SciAm finally realized they’d been had and pulled it.Of course earlier today, the Guardian and other publications saw the problem and pulled this story:AAAS withdraws “impossible” global warming paperHours later … Continue reading →

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Scientific American still running false warming storyscientific-american-still-running-false-warming-story17287613openopenfuture200120111551221American, false, Running, Scientific, Still, story, warming Mario Uncategorized American, false, Running, Scientific, Still, story, warming 0 0 2011/01/20 3:51:22 PM
Statins… Big Pharma’s Goldmine

Cholesterol-lowering statins are amongst the biggest-selling medicines in the world, generating billions in revenue for pharmaceutical companies. ~ (See related articles) Amongst the main players in the market include Pfizer, the world’s biggest drugs company; US-based Merck; and Britain’s second-biggest … Continue reading →

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Statins… Big Pharma’s Goldminestatins-big-pharmas-goldmine17287613openopenfuture200120111522221Goldmine, Pharmas, Statins Mario Uncategorized Goldmine, Pharmas, Statins 0 0 2011/01/20 3:22:22 PM
Understanding Germany Commitment to the Eurozone

Analyst Marko Papic examines German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s statements about Germany’s commitment to the eurozone, which come despite public discontent with Berlin’s bailout policies.Germany? gains from supporting the Euro unconditionally. Reduces competition? and increases Germany’s control over European states. Very … Continue reading →

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Understanding Germany Commitment to the Eurozoneunderstanding-germany-commitment-to-the-eurozone17287613openopenfuture200120111455221Commitment, Eurozone, Germany, Understanding Mario Uncategorized Commitment, Eurozone, Germany, Understanding 0 0 2011/01/20 2:55:22 PM
Protect Yourself from Central Bank Lies!

If you believe what central banks say and you plan your investments accordingly, you could be in for some big surprises. Consider, for example, some of the lies spouting forth from the U.S. Fed and the European Central Bank (ECB) … Continue reading →

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Protect Yourself from Central Bank Lies!protect-yourself-from-central-bank-lies17287613openopenfuture200120111420221Central, protect, Yourself Mario Uncategorized Central, protect, Yourself 0 0 2011/01/20 2:20:22 PM
The EU’s INDECT project: another threat to personal privacy

Thank you very much to friends in Brussels for drawing BBW’s attention to the new INDECT project, a new EU-funded group which has been established in order to develop a platform for: “the registration and exchange of operational data, acquisition … Continue reading →

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The EU’s INDECT project: another threat to personal privacythe-eus-indect-project-another-threat-to-personal-privacy17287613openopenfuture200120111406221Another, INDECT, personal, privacy, project, Threat Mario Uncategorized Another, INDECT, personal, privacy, project, Threat 0 0 2011/01/20 2:06:22 PM
Step Up And Survive

We all worry about how we would survive if the unthinkable were to happen. Where would we get the survival gear, survival food and emergency information that we need? The nightmare morphs into reality when there are small children to … Continue reading →

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Step Up And Survivestep-up-and-survive17287613openopenfuture200120111353221Survive Mario Uncategorized Survive 0 0 2011/01/20 1:53:22 PM
AAAS withdraws “impossible” global warming paper

click for the storyComplaints over “impossible conclusions” cited as the reason.from CTV:EurekAlert withdraws climate change paperA study warning that the planet would warm by 2.4C by 2020, creating deadly consequences for the global food supply, is being debunked as false … Continue reading →

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AAAS withdraws “impossible” global warming paperaaas-withdraws-“impossible”-global-warming-paper17287613openopenfuture200120111320221Global, Impossible, Paper, warming, withdraws Mario Uncategorized Global, Impossible, Paper, warming, withdraws 0 0 2011/01/20 1:20:22 PM
More unsettling images from Google StreetView

Over at the Telegraph blog, Matt Warman brings news of yet more unsettling images which have been captured by the Google StreetView application. In this particular case, a man is pictured being treated by paramedics for what appears to be … Continue reading →

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More unsettling images from Google StreetViewmore-unsettling-images-from-google-streetview17287613openopenfuture200120111249221Google, images, StreetView, unsettling Mario Uncategorized Google, images, StreetView, unsettling 0 0 2011/01/20 12:49:22 PM
Links for 2011-01-18 []

Jim Rogers: Easy to blame Americas problems on ChinaJim Rogers: Easy to blame Americas problems on China US Unemployment Bob Chapman on The NIA National Inflation Association Gerald Celente on Gold, Depression, Reserve currency, Revolution and War Ron Paul On … Continue reading →

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Links for 2011-01-18 []links-for-2011-01-18-del-icio-us17287613openopenfuture20012011123422120110118, delicious, Links Mario Uncategorized 20110118, delicious, Links 0 0 2011/01/20 12:34:22 PM
Guest Post: Biggest Bank Robbery In History

Submitted by Joe Saluzzi of Themis TradingBiggest bank robbery in history“There are over 300 bank robberies in Boston every year. And a one-square-mile neighborhood in Boston, called Charlestown, has produced more bank and armored car robbers than anywhere in the … Continue reading →

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Guest Post: Biggest Bank Robbery In Historyguest-post-biggest-bank-robbery-in-history17287613openopenfuture200120111211221Biggest, Guest, History, Robbery Mario Uncategorized Biggest, Guest, History, Robbery 0 0 2011/01/20 12:11:22 PM
Tidy your bloody room

Today will see hundreds of thousands of otherwise unemployable “students” demanding that they continue to receive pocket money of up top £30 a week for simply hauling their spotty arses out of their wanking pits and heading off to … Continue reading →

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Tidy your bloody roomtidy-your-bloody-room17287613openopenfuture200120111141221bloody Mario Uncategorized bloody 0 0 2011/01/20 11:41:22 AM
Tips From A Survivalist On Saving Seeds

by M.D. Creekmore on Wednesday, January 19, 2011Guest post by – Jerry Greenfield read more of his articles here.There are no guarantees in this world we live in today. We can’t rest assured that the grocery store will always be … Continue reading →

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Tips From A Survivalist On Saving Seedstips-from-a-survivalist-on-saving-seeds17287613openopenfuture200120111139221Saving, Seeds, Survivalist Mario Uncategorized Saving, Seeds, Survivalist 0 0 2011/01/20 11:39:22 AM
Nigel Farage on Monster Eurozone: Bailout Reinforcing Failure

In Brussels, Eurozone finance ministers are meeting to discuss whether to boost the EU bailout fund which was only set up last year. The European Commission and European Central Bank want to widen the fund – to give it more … Continue reading →

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Nigel Farage on Monster Eurozone: Bailout Reinforcing Failurenigel-farage-on-monster-eurozone-bailout-reinforcing-failure17287613openopenfuture200120111100221Bailout, Eurozone, Failure, Farage, Monster, Nigel, Reinforcing Mario Uncategorized Bailout, Eurozone, Failure, Farage, Monster, Nigel, Reinforcing 0 0 2011/01/20 11:00:22 AM
Raw Revolution Organic Live Food Bars 12 ea

Organic Live Food FusionSpirulina & CashewNo Artificial Ingredients No Preservatives Gluten Free Dairy Free Vegan Kosher Uncooked No Refined Sugars Non GMO Soy Free USDA Organic“As a Registered Nurse and Natural Foods Chef I’ve developed a passion for raw foods. … Continue reading →

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Raw Revolution Organic Live Food Bars 12 earaw-revolution-organic-live-food-bars-12-ea17287613openopenfuture200120111034221Organic, Revolution Mario Uncategorized Organic, Revolution 0 0 2011/01/20 10:34:22 AM
What Inflation Means to You: Inside the Consumer Price Index

The Fed justified the current round of quantitative easing “to promote a stronger pace of economic recovery and to help ensure that inflation, over time, is at levels consistent with its mandate” (full text). In effect, the Fed is trying … Continue reading →

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What Inflation Means to You: Inside the Consumer Price Indexwhat-inflation-means-to-you-inside-the-consumer-price-index-217287613openopenfuture200120111016221Consumer, Index, Inflation, Inside, Means, Price Mario Uncategorized Consumer, Index, Inflation, Inside, Means, Price 0 0 2011/01/20 10:16:22 AM
The Next 3 and a Half Years Are The Final Harvest As You Know It (Prophecy)

[NOTE: I received a prophetic “Love Letter” from Jesus on November 11, 2006. In it He first mentioned the 3 ½ year gift for His people. I have not included the whole message on this site as yet, due to … Continue reading →

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The Next 3 and a Half Years Are The Final Harvest As You Know It (Prophecy)the-next-3-and-a-half-years-are-the-final-harvest-as-you-know-it-prophecy17287613openopenfuture200120110928221FINAL, Harvest, Prophecy, Years Mario Uncategorized FINAL, Harvest, Prophecy, Years 0 0 2011/01/20 9:28:22 AM
Your Wife: A Tried and True Measure of Inflation

Dr. Marc Faber, of the Gloom Boom & Doom Report joins Chris Martenson for a discussion about the global economy, the policies of the Federal Reserve, and the effects of monetary inflation. As always, Dr. Faber provides important insights that … Continue reading →

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Your Wife: A Tried and True Measure of Inflationyour-wife-a-tried-and-true-measure-of-inflation17287613openopenfuture200120110926221Inflation, Measure, Tried Mario Uncategorized Inflation, Measure, Tried 0 0 2011/01/20 9:26:22 AM
Rayovac SE3DLN Sportsman Extreme 300-Lumen LED Lantern

ATTRIBUTES Blade Detail: ComboEdge Blade Length (inches): 3.22 Blade Material: 440C Black Carry System: Pocket Clip Handle Material: Black Aluminum Lock Style: Liner Lock Price: $30.00 Click here to buy from Amazon

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Rayovac SE3DLN Sportsman Extreme 300-Lumen LED Lanternrayovac-se3dln-sportsman-extreme-300-lumen-led-lantern17287613openopenfuture200120110842221300Lumen, extreme, Lantern, Rayovac, SE3DLN, Sportsman Mario Uncategorized 300Lumen, extreme, Lantern, Rayovac, SE3DLN, Sportsman 0 0 2011/01/20 8:42:22 AM
Cherokee and Hopi Legend and Prophecy

We read in Matthew 28:19-20 that Jesus said to go into all the world, baptizing, and teaching everyone what he taught. There are those who are teaching a different gospel, that they claim is from Jesus, to the whole world, … Continue reading →
Mario Uncategorized Cherokee, Legend, Prophecy 0 0 2011/01/20 7:53:22 AM

Scritto il 20 Gennaio 2011 at 09:21

La cina è la seconda economia al mondo quando serve e fà comodo, la sua borsa continua a far schifo, oggi quasi un bel -3%, il nikkei scende di oltre un punto, stessa cosa dicasi per l’sp 500, e le borse europee aprono in leggero calo, aspettando come cani in calore, quella cagna dei future sull’sp 500.

Scritto il 20 Gennaio 2011 at 10:13

Purtroppo si.. ma tanto per andare al concreto… la speculazione purtroppo continua a trovare terreno fertile.. Ma per quanto ancora?
Ahime… secondo me ancora per un bel po’… 🙄

Scritto il 20 Gennaio 2011 at 10:20

Dream Theater,
Un bel pò non direi, quando meno te aspetti boom boom fico statto

Scritto il 20 Gennaio 2011 at 10:41

infatti ieri e stamattina guardando il nostro indice mi son chiesto…ma non è che niente niente non ce ne siamo accorti e siamo un Paese Emergente? 👿

Scritto il 20 Gennaio 2011 at 15:40

Banco Emiliano Romagnolo che ha ancora problemi: bloccati i conti ai correntisti.
Per chi si è perso cosa era successo… ecco qui un altro articolo che spiega il commissariamento:

Il Portogallo (primo ministro portoghese) che chiede “AIUTOOOO” alla Merkel:
Articolo originale:

Scritto il 20 Gennaio 2011 at 21:38

Un notevole lavoro della BP sugli sviluppi energetici futuri, 80 pagine ma sopratutto grafici e figure senza troppo testo (come i libri che piacciono a me – se poi ci sono solo figure da colorare ancora meglio).

    Scritto il 20 Gennaio 2011 at 23:30

    A parte la tragedia in Louisiana, non dimentichiamo mai che BP (british PEtroleum) oggi è l’acronimo di Beyond Petroleum. E la dice lunga su dove vogliono arrivare…

Scritto il 21 Gennaio 2011 at 07:55

Dream Theater: A parte la tragedia in Louisiana, non dimentichiamo mai che BP (british PEtroleum) oggi è l’acronimo di Beyond Petroleum. E la dice lunga su dove vogliono arrivare…  

Posso intuire un certo scetticismo da parte di DT per quanto riguarda l’onesta intellettuale delle pubblicazioni della BP, spero che voglia almeno sospendere questo atteggiamento negativo nei confronti del bellissimo “World Fact Book” della CIA che, scherzi a parte, veramente vale la pena di sfogliare

Scritto il 21 Gennaio 2011 at 08:09

Year 2011 forecast on precious metals by MKS Finance SA , Geneva.

Anche il daily report della MKS, gratuito sul loro sito, risulta interessante per chi segue i metalli preziosi

Scritto il 21 Gennaio 2011 at 08:13

triglav@finanza: Posso intuire un certo scetticismo da parte di DT per quanto riguarda l’onesta intellettuale delle pubblicazioni della BP, spero che voglia almeno sospendere questo atteggiamento negativo nei confronti del bellissimo “World Fact Book” della CIA che, scherzi a parte, veramente vale la pena di sfogliare  

No no, ti sbagli. Il mio commento non era assolutamente da leggere in chiave negativa . BP è una delle aziende petrolifere che più credono nell’energia alternativa e pulita. L’incidente in Luoisiana ha macchiato gravemente quella reputazione che invece stavano cercando di costruirsi.
Spero di essere stato chiaro questa volta. 😀

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