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Calma apparente sui mercati finanziari

Scritto il alle 09:45 da Danilo DT

Financial Web Links, un elenco di siti e link finanziari con un’analisi della situazione

Un mercato che stancamente va avanti per la sua strada verso il FOMC di fine mese. Quasi noioso, apatico, con un po’ di volatilità intraday, ma senza colpo ferire. Borse quasi stabili, e tutto il resto a ruota, con il cross EUR USD che staziona in area 1.39.

Ma in realtà il mercato è troppo condizionato dal carry trade e dalla speculazione.

Leggetevi l’ennesima carrellata sul foreclosure gate, leggete sulla Grecia e sulle banche. E capirete che la realtà prima o poi verrà a galla. Un mercato che è in calma apparente ma sotto sotto, bolle alla grande. Chissà se la morfina QE II sarà sufficiente a mantenere drogate le cose…

Buona lettura e buona visione!

  • Wall Street flat, aspettando il D-Day (reuters)
  • Banco Popolare semina il panico a PiazzAffari (giornale)
  • Ma la FED si inizia a preoccupare anche di altro…. (reuters)
  • Prezzo case: mercato immobiliare nuovamente in discesa (Seekingalpha)
  • Mercato mutui in forte discesa (Bloomberg)
  • Foreclosure gate: la FED si chiama fuori  (Bloomberg)
  • TIPS: pazzesco, rendimento fortemente negativo! (Bloomberg)
  • La diversificazione dei bond è arrivata (FT)
  • Ma….cosa è il VIX? (Vix&More)
  • La vera inflazione globale (ZH)
  • Hedge funds: l’Europa nulla può (Repubblica)
  • ITALIA: repubblica dei disonesti (Repubblica)
  • GRECIA: torna l’incubo del debito (Telegraph)

Un Marc Faber in gran forma su FED e mercato azionario

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11 commenti Commenta
50 cent
Scritto il 27 Ottobre 2010 at 10:13

Non pensate che il Bank Index possa ripartire? lasciamo perdere i fondamentali e guardiamo il grafico.

Scritto il 27 Ottobre 2010 at 10:25

5 Strategie per battere il mercato:
You might remember that back in June my 63-year-old dad decided to let me begin managing his $100,000 retirement account at Vanguard. The goal was to help him get better returns than he was earning with a money market fund. And while I’ve been talking about retirement matters, CDs, and other topics lately, the big unanswered question in the room has been: “So how are things actually going in that new portfolio?”

The short answer: In just three months, dad is already up many multiples of what he would have gotten from his money market fund for an entire year

Scritto il 27 Ottobre 2010 at 10:26

consumer confidence index sempre pessimistico…. ma meno..

October 26, 2010 Monthly Update

The Latest Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index was released this morning, three days before the Q3 Advance GDP report. The slight improvement in the index gives a bit of support to the view of mainstream economists that a double-dip isn’t imminent. Here is the introductory paragraph of the press release:

The Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index, which had declined in September, increased slightly in October. The Index now stands at 50.2 (1985=100), up from 48.6 in September. The Present Situation Index increased to 23.9 from 23.3. The Expectations Index improved to 67.8 from 65.5.

Scritto il 27 Ottobre 2010 at 10:26

Un po’ di links:


Fed Won’t Join Bank Supreme Court Appeal on Loan Disclosures – Bloomberg
FT Alphaville » Long Room » No longer in suspense on the HAMP second lien program
FT Alphaville » Smithers vs Wolf
Are Bloggers Breeding Negativity? –
Roubini: States Are Doomed – CNBC
FT Alphaville » The AIG Wars
Mitch McConnell: The Hell With The Economy | Capital Gains and Games
BankUnited to file for IPO this week: sources| Reuters
What’s really behind that $1.3 trillion deficit? – Justin Fox
Die wunderbare Welt der Wirtschaft!: Wow! Goldman Sachs erhöht Schätzung für QE II auf 2 Billionen!
EconomPic: On the Value of High Yield
Why Has America’s Economic Recovery Stalled? – Project Syndicate
Treasury Sells Bonds With a Negative Yield –
Economics: Should the government encourage mortgage principal write-downs? | The Economist
More Democracy, More Incarceration – Reason Magazine
Steven Rattner and the rescue of General Motors : The New Yorker
How Sarah Palin Could End Up As President in 2012 — New York Magazine

Greece Likely to Default Within Three Years, El-Erian Says – Bloomberg
Third quarter GDP: what the economists say | Business |
Anglo offer on subordinated debt ‘tantamount to default’ – Irish, Business –
BBC News – Savers ‘losing £12bn in interest’
Emerging Markets

A Step Away from the Wrong Direction – Morgan Stanley – Global Economic Forum
Sizzling: Thai SET hits 14-year high | beyondbrics |
Mexico: don’t leave us out of the currency war | beyondbrics |
Tech Stuff

The Truth: Why iPhone Users Will Ditch AT&T and Run to Verizon
How To Install Apps that are Filtered Out of Your Android Market App – Tested
Google Finally Upgrades Feedburner – Mashable
The Rule of Thumb on Disrupting Digital Businesses aka Why The internet is not disrupting TV « blog maverick

Scritto il 27 Ottobre 2010 at 10:27

Wow! viva le pensioni:

Only five national pension systems earned a B-grade on Mercer’s 2010 global index, which was given to systems with “sound structure” and “room for improvement.”

These top systems are in the Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden, Australia and Canada.

No pension systems was good enough for an A-grade.

Scritto il 27 Ottobre 2010 at 10:28

Un’occhiota sull’inflazione reale:
The Casey Report provides a useful glance at the real inflation currently ravaging items that are actually purchased by Americans, not those captured by the Fed’s BLS statistics: “On average, our basic food costs have increased by an incredible 48% over the last year (measured by wheat, corn, oats, and canola prices). From the price at the pump to heating your stove, energy costs are up 23% on average (heating oil, gasoline, natural gas). A little protein at dinner is now 39% higher (beef and pork), and your morning cup of coffee with a little sugar has risen by 36% since last October.” Of course, the ongoing deflation in items purchases requiring leverage will continue to skew the CPI so far south to make all those who bought 5 Year TIPS yesterday at negative yields end up losing money on the transaction.

Scritto il 27 Ottobre 2010 at 10:28

The shock sul cibo per il prossimo anno:
Every month, JP Morgan Chase dispatches a researcher to several supermarkets in Virginia. The task – to comparison shop for 31 items.

In July, the firm’s personal shopper came back with a stunning report: Wal-Mart had raised its prices 5.8% during the previous month. More significantly, its prices were approaching the levels of competing stores run by Kroger and Safeway. The “low-price leader” still holds its title, but by a noticeably slimmer margin.

Within this tale lie several lessons you can put to work to make money. And it’s best to get started soon…because if you think your grocery bill is already high, you ain’t seen nothing yet. In fact, we could be just one supply shock away from a full-blown food crisis that would make the price spikes of 2008 look like a happy memory.

Scritto il 27 Ottobre 2010 at 10:29

Tutto sulle bolle…:
The Fed’s misguided policies have not done a thing for small businesses, the unemployment rate, or the real economy in general but they have induced a mad dash for yield in junk bonds, easily in a bubble state right now.
Byran Keogh writing for Bloomberg says Fed-Induced Rally Makes Riskiest Debt Priciest

Scritto il 27 Ottobre 2010 at 10:30

Interessante grafico sul rapporto affitto prezzo, magari fosse cosi’ in Italia:
Yesterday CoreLogic reported that house prices declined 1.2% in August, and this morning S&P Case-Shiller reported widespread price declines in August (really an average of June, July and August).

Scritto il 27 Ottobre 2010 at 12:10

50 cent,

La figura è la classica di congestione e quindi dalla direzionalità molto incerta. Lo scopriremo solo vivendo.


Scritto il 27 Ottobre 2010 at 16:38

Munich Re certifica l’incremento di disastri naturali:

Per quanto deprimente un indubbio segnale buy di lungo periodo, ossia incrementare posizioni ad ogni ribasso, sulle soft commodity 😕

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