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Rating Stati sovrani: elenco S&P

Scritto il alle 12:15 da Danilo DT


E’ un argomento di moda e dalla email ricevute so questo elenco interesserà tanti lettori vista la volatilità di obbligazioni e titoli di stato. Per quello che puà valere (vista l’affidabilità dei rating) ve lo posto.

E’ appunto l’elenco di tutti i rating attualmente validi , scondo S&P, dei vari stati emittenti. Una carrellata molto ricca con tanto di date, outlook ecc.
Buona lettura!

Organisation Country Foreign Currency Long-Term Rating Rating Date Outlook
Australia (Commonwealth of) Australia AAA 16-Feb-03 STABLE
Austria (Republic of) Austria AAA 9-Jul-75 STABLE
Canada Canada AAA 29-Jul-02 STABLE
Denmark (Kingdom of) Denmark AAA 27-Feb-01 STABLE
Finland (Republic of) Finland AAA 1-Feb-02 STABLE
France (Republic of) France AAA 25-Jun-75 STABLE
Germany (Federal Republic of) Germany AAA 17-Aug-83 STABLE
Guernsey Guernsey AAA 10-Feb-09 STABLE
Isle of Man Isle of Man AAA 29-Feb-00 STABLE
Liechtenstein (Principality of) Liechtenstein AAA 2-Dec-96 STABLE
Luxembourg (Grand Duchy of) Luxembourg AAA 28-Apr-94 STABLE
Netherlands (State of The) Netherlands AAA 1-Oct-88 STABLE
Norway (Kingdom of) Norway AAA 9-Jul-75 STABLE
Singapore (Republic of) Singapore AAA 6-Mar-95 STABLE
Sweden (Kingdom of) Sweden AAA 16-Feb-04 STABLE
Swiss Confederation Switzerland AAA 1-Oct-88 STABLE
United Kingdom United Kingdom AAA 28-Apr-78 NEGATIVE
United States of America United States AAA 1-Jan-41 STABLE
Belgium (Kingdom of) Belgium AA+ 26-Oct-88 STABLE
Hong Kong (Special Administrative Region) Hong Kong AA+ 31-Jul-08 STABLE
New Zealand New Zealand AA+ 31-Jan-96 STABLE
Spain (Kingdom of) Spain AA+ 19-Jan-09 NEGATIVE
Abu Dhabi (Emirate of) United Arab Emirates AA 2-Jul-07 STABLE
Bermuda Bermuda AA 16-Jun-95 NEGATIVE
Ireland (Republic of) Ireland AA 8-Jun-09 NEGATIVE
Japan Japan AA 22-Apr-07 NEGATIVE
Slovenia (Republic of) Slovenia AA 16-May-06 STABLE
Kuwait (State of) Kuwait AA- 16-Jul-07 STABLE
Qatar (State of) Qatar AA- 6-Mar-07 STABLE
Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of) Saudi Arabia AA- 16-Jul-07 STABLE
Taiwan (Republic of China) Taiwan AA- 18-Dec-02 NEGATIVE
Andorra (Principality of) Andorra (Principality of) A+ 26-May-09 STABLE
Chile (Republic of) Chile A+ 18-Dec-07 STABLE
China (People’s Republic of) China A+ 31-Jul-08 STABLE
Cyprus (Republic of) Cyprus A+ 24-Apr-08 STABLE
Italy (Republic of) Italy A+ 19-Oct-06 STABLE
Slovak Republic Slovak Republic A+ 27-Nov-08 STABLE
Bahrain (Kingdom of) Bahrain A 5-Apr-06 STABLE
Czech Republic Czech Republic A 2-Oct-07 STABLE
Emirate of Ras Al Khaimah United Arab Emirates A 23-Jan-08 STABLE
Israel (State of) Israel A 27-Nov-07 STABLE
Korea (Republic of) South Korea A 27-Jul-05 STABLE
Malta (Republic of) Malta A 10-Mar-99 STABLE
Oman (Sultanate of) Oman (Sultanate of) A 23-Jan-07 STABLE
Trinidad and Tobago (Republic of) Trinidad & Tobago A 15-Aug-08 STABLE
Aruba Aruba A- 29-May-08 STABLE
Botswana (Republic of) Botswana A- 15-Feb-10 STABLE
Estonia (Republic of) Estonia A- 10-Aug-09 STABLE
Malaysia Malaysia A- 7-Oct-03 STABLE
Poland (Republic of) Poland A- 29-Mar-07 STABLE
Portugal (Republic of) Portugal A- 27-Apr-10 NEGATIVE
Bahamas (The Commonwealth of The) Bahamas BBB+ 23-Dec-09 STABLE
South Africa (Republic of) South Africa BBB+ 1-Aug-05 NEGATIVE
Thailand (Kingdom of) Thailand BBB+ 26-Aug-04 NEGATIVE
Barbados Barbados BBB 10-Jun-09 NEGATIVE
Bulgaria (Republic of) Bulgaria BBB 30-Oct-08 STABLE
Croatia (Republic of) Croatia BBB 22-Dec-04 NEGATIVE
Lithuania (Republic of) Lithuania BBB 24-Mar-09 STABLE
Russian Federation Russia BBB 8-Dec-08 STABLE
Tunisia (Republic of) Tunisia BBB 21-Mar-00 STABLE
United Mexican States Mexico BBB 14-Dec-09 STABLE
Brazil (Federative Republic of) Brazil BBB- 30-Apr-08 STABLE
Hungary (Republic of) Hungary BBB- 30-Mar-09 STABLE
Iceland (Republic of) Iceland BBB- 24-Nov-08 NEGATIVE
India (Republic of) India BBB- 30-Jan-07 STABLE
Kazakhstan (Republic of) Kazakhstan BBB- 8-Oct-07 STABLE
Morocco (Kingdom of) Morocco BBB- 23-Mar-10 STABLE
Peru (Republic of) Peru BBB- 14-Jul-08 STABLE
Azerbaijan (Republic of) Azerbaijan BB+ 16-Dec-08 POSITIVE
Colombia (Republic of) Colombia BB+ 5-Mar-07 STABLE
Egypt (Arab Republic of) Egypt BB+ 22-May-02 STABLE
Hellenic Republic Greece BB+ 27-Apr-10 NEGATIVE
Panama (Republic of) Panama BB+ 26-Feb-08 POSITIVE
Romania Romania BB+ 27-Oct-08 STABLE
Cook Islands Cook Islands BB 6-Dec-07 NEGATIVE
Costa Rica (Republic of) Costa Rica BB 16-Jul-97 STABLE
El Salvador (Republic of) El Salvador BB 12-May-09 STABLE
Guatemala (Republic of) Guatemala BB 17-Jul-06 STABLE
Indonesia (Republic of) Indonesia BB 12-Mar-10 POSITIVE
Jordan (Hashemite Kingdom of) Jordan BB 3-Jul-03 STABLE
Latvia (Republic of) Latvia (Republic of) BB 10-Aug-09 STABLE
Macedonia (Republic of) Macedonia BB 30-Apr-09 STABLE
Montenegro (Republic of) Montenegro BB 31-Mar-10 NEGATIVE
Turkey (Republic of) Turkey BB 19-Feb-10 POSITIVE
Vietnam (Socialist Republic of) Vietnam BB 7-Sep-06 NEGATIVE
Bangladesh (People’s Republic of) Bangladesh BB- 5-Apr-10 STABLE
Gabonese Republic Gabon BB- 8-Nov-07 STABLE
Mongolia Mongolia BB- 13-Dec-07 STABLE
Philippines (Republic of) Philippines BB- 17-Jan-05 STABLE
Serbia (Republic of) Serbia BB- 18-Jul-05 STABLE
Uruguay (Oriental Republic of) Uruguay BB- 22-Jul-08 STABLE
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Venezuela BB- 3-Feb-06 STABLE
Belarus (Republic of) Belarus B+ 21-Aug-07 NEGATIVE
Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina B+ 22-Dec-08 STABLE
Cambodia (Kingdom of) Cambodia B+ 19-Apr-07 STABLE
Cape Verde (Republic of) Cape Verde B+ 4-Dec-08 NEGATIVE
Georgia (Government of) Georgia B+ 12-Apr-10 STABLE
Ghana (Republic of) Ghana B+ 4-Sep-03 NEGATIVE
Mozambique (Republic of) Mozambique B+ 21-Dec-07 STABLE
Nigeria (Federal Republic of) Nigeria B+ 21-Aug-09 STABLE
Papua New Guinea (Independent State of) Papua New Guinea B+ 13-Sep-07 STABLE
Republic of Albania Albania B+ 19-Apr-10 STABLE
Senegal (Republic of) Senegal B+ 18-Dec-00 STABLE
Suriname (The Republic of) Suriname (The Republic of) B+ 16-Nov-07 POSITIVE
Uganda (Republic of) Uganda B+ 9-Dec-08 STABLE
Belize Belize B 20-Feb-07 STABLE
Benin (Republic of) Benin B 7-Sep-06 POSITIVE
Burkina Faso Burkina Faso B 5-Mar-04 STABLE
Cameroon (Republic of) Cameroon B 26-Feb-07 STABLE
Dominican Republic Dominican Republic B 23-Dec-08 STABLE
Honduras (Republic of) Honduras B 11-Sep-09 STABLE
Kenya (Republic of) Kenya B 4-Feb-08 POSITIVE
Lebanon (Republic of) Lebanon B 22-Dec-09 POSITIVE
Paraguay (Republic of) Paraguay B 4-Jun-07 STABLE
Sri Lanka (Democratic Socialist Republic of) Sri Lanka B 15-Dec-08 POSITIVE
Argentina (Republic of) Argentina B- 31-Oct-08 STABLE
Bolivia (Republic of) Bolivia B- 20-Oct-03 STABLE
Fiji Islands (Republic of) Fiji B- 15-Apr-09 STABLE
Grenada Grenada B- 1-Aug-07 STABLE
Jamaica Jamaica B- 24-Feb-10 STABLE
Pakistan (Islamic Republic of) Pakistan B- 24-Aug-09 STABLE
Ukraine Ukraine (Republic of) B- 11-Mar-10 POSITIVE
Ecuador (Republic of) Ecuador CCC+ 15-Jun-09 STABLE


Sources: Guardian Newspaper


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