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NO news: e il mercato festeggia

Scritto il alle 09:33 da Danilo DT

Financial Web Links: un elenco di siti e link finanziari con un’analisi della situazione

Il Beige Book non ha portato novità su quantitative easing e crescita economica. Tutto come previsto. Le trimestrali viste come “bicchiere mezzo pieno” hanno alimentato i rialzi a Wall Street… e così vaiiiiiii… Dollaro debole e a ruota equity, commodity e T Note positivi. Risk on tanto per intenderci.

E la strada sembra segnata. Inutile incapponirsi. Questo è il mercato.

Buona lettura e buona visione!

  • Rimbalza Wall Street grazie a USD debole e buoni utili (LINK)
  • Dow e il triple digit (LINK)
  • FED: l’economia cresce a ritmo moderato (LINK)
  • Beige Book: parole e scuse (LINK)
  • Guerra valutaria: ora si passa alla guerra commerciale, con la Cina che fa l’embargo (LINK)
  • Nouriel Roubini Sentiment Index (LINK)
  • SP 500 ad un passo dal golden cross (LINK)
  • Il crollo del cross USD/JPY (LINK)

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8 commenti Commenta
Scritto il 21 Ottobre 2010 at 09:53

Qualche links prima di uscire..:
Il problema dei mortgages americani sta’ dilagando…:

Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) has just announced that new mortgage applications have slumped again despite some of the lowest interest rates in history — a drop in demand that bodes ill for the entire housing market.

Moreover, the slumping market can only be aggravated by the foreclosure fraud crisis that has burst onto the scene in recent days.

Some people thought Bank of America’s decision this week — to restart its foreclosure machine in 23 states — ended that crisis. But it didn’t

Scritto il 21 Ottobre 2010 at 09:54

Oggi un po’ di articoli anti-oro, questo e’ di Buffet:
These types of arguments, positioning gold against productive assets such as stocks, have a tendency loosen the weak hands from the secular trend right about the time ‘connected money’ quietly covers more of their controlling short positions. We’ve seen this argument before. Would you take this big cube of metal that produces nothing and yields no interest, or a productive asset such as an equity investment?
It’s not that Buffet is wrong. Over very long periods the logic of this argument is correct. The upward sloping trend or angle of ascension of large- and small-cap total return index to gold ratio illustrates this out performance

Scritto il 21 Ottobre 2010 at 09:55

La prima ragione perche’ l’oro e’ collassato:

I am an affiliate of INO, a website which is geared to individual investors. I haven’t posted much from their site here but I thought their latest video on gold was interesting so I’ll say a few words about it. (disclosure: as an affiliate I receive a fee for referring customers).

Scritto il 21 Ottobre 2010 at 09:56

OT Il calendario Maya potrebbe essere sbagliato.. (devo ancora leggerlo bene..):

It looks like those preparing for the end of the world on December 21, 2012 may have some more time to get ready. According to a new report, the conversion from the Mayan calendar to the Gregorian calendar may have been conducted improperly, leading to a potential multi-decade miscalculation

Scritto il 21 Ottobre 2010 at 09:57

Bello il titolo “Stampa, stampa, stampa”:
No matter what central bankers and the cheerleading, mostly useless academics who surround them pronounce in their self-created aura of infinite academic “delicacy and refinement”, under the auspices of the Fed they will do precisely one thing: print, print, and print. Sadly, as Mignon McLaughlin observed, “The know-nothings are, unfortunately, seldom the do-nothings.”

Scritto il 21 Ottobre 2010 at 09:59

La caduta della politica Kensiniana… e io vivo a Milton Keynes…:
In Britain, George Osborne, chancellor of the Exchequer, delivered a speech on Wednesday that would have made Keynes — who himself worked in the British Treasury — blanch. He argued forcefully that Britons, despite stumbling growth and negligible bank lending, must accept a rise in the retirement age to 66 from 65 and $130 billion in spending cuts that would eliminate nearly 500,000 public sector jobs and hit pensioners, the poor, the military and the middle classes because of what he insisted was the overwhelming need to reduce the country’s huge budget deficit.
In Ireland, where the economy is suffering through its third consecutive year of economic slump, Keynes is doing no better. Devastated by a historic property crash and banking bust, the Irish government is preparing another round of spending cuts and tax increases.

Scritto il 21 Ottobre 2010 at 09:59

Quale sara’ la prossima bolla?
A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a post about the signs that we missed before the 2008 credit crisis blew up, namely the financial star power of Lenny Dykstra. Think about it for a few seconds… since 2000, we have been in bubble after bubble

Early 2000s: Tech Bubble
Mid 2000s: Commodities bubble (remember $150 oil that was going to $200-300?)
2008: Credit Bubble
2009: Real Estate Bubble

Why we do week getting these huge bubbles that take down the markets when they collapse? Some such as Matt Taibbi blame Goldman Sachs, but most others think that it’s because the way that our system is now being managed. We do so much to avoid tough times that we go into excesses the other way around. The 2001 Tech bubble collapse combined with the tragic events of 9/11 were a tragedy. But taking down interest rates to almost 0% in an attempt to revive the economy created a whole new set of issues that helped blow up the entire system a couple of years ago. I think it’s fair to assume that as of right now, some new bubbles are being created. The trouble is seeing which ones. As was commented in our post about Lenny Dykstra, it is much easier to see the signs after the facts. That does not mean we should not try to see them before they blow up though.

Betting on a blow up can end up being a very difficult though. Why? Because the trade can go against you for much longer and much further than you can generally assume is possible. Bubbles tend to do that. But being prepared and aware of a possible bubble is still a prudent thing to do. I would love to hear your thoughts on these or any other bubbles that you can think of.

US dollar

Scritto il 21 Ottobre 2010 at 10:02

Finisco con questo articolo COMPLETAMENTE DA VERIFICARE…:
The game was to move money under a scheme of deceit and fraud. First sell the bonds and collect the money into a pool. Second take your fees, third take what’s left and get it committed into “loans” (which were in actuality securities) sold to homeowners under the same false pretenses as the bonds were sold to investors. By controlling the flow of funds and documentation, the middlemen were able to sell, pledge and otherwise trade off the flow of receivables several times over — a necessary complexity not only for the profit it generated, but to make it far more difficult for anyone to track the footprints in the sand.

If the loans had actually been securitized, the issue would not arise. They were not securitized. This was a mass illusion or hallucination induced by Wall Street spiking the punch bowl. The gap (second tier yield spread premium) created between the amount of money funded by investors and the amount of money actually deployed into “loans” was so large that it could not be justified as fees. It was profit on sale from the aggregator to the “trust” (special purpose vehicle). It was undisclosed, deceitful and fraudulent.

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