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Financial LINKS – S.P.Q.M.

Scritto il alle 08:58 da Danilo DT

SPQM: Sono Pazzi Questi Mercati! Un elenco di siti e link finanziari proposti da I&M con la fonte da cliccare per la visualizzazione. Buona lettura!

Financial  Web Links

a)      Ottimi dati macro… e la borsa scende (LINK)

b)     Consumer metric growth index (LINK)

c) Irlanda: e se il costo per salvare le banche fosse di 50 miliardi di Euro? (LINK)

d)     Portogallo in difficoltà: ma mercato esagera? (LINK)

e)      Austerity: sale la rabbia in Europa (LINK)

f)       BCE: la paura potrebbe farle fare mosse troppo azzardate e anticipate (LINK)

g)      E se il sistema finanziario europeo viene troppo “normato” i ladri legalizzati migrano… (LINK)

h)      FOCUS sulla disoccupazione italiana (LINK)

i)        Come fermare la speculazione e la guerra sul mercato dei cambi (LINK)

j)        Aggiornamento Elliott Waves (LINK)

k)      ST Louis Financial Stress Index (LINK)

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16 commenti Commenta
Scritto il 1 Ottobre 2010 at 09:24

Bell’articolo, da appendere sul frigo, di Bill Gross:

Titolo: “Stan Druckenmiller is leaving”.

I prossimi anni saranno periodi di bassa remuneratività per azioni e obbligazioni. Ecco perché alcuni “hedgers ” storici come Druckenmiller stanno lasciando la scena.
Ma molto più rilevanti saranno gli effetti a livello di economia collettiva, almeno per quanto riguarda quella USA.

Scritto il 1 Ottobre 2010 at 09:58

buon giorno folks!!!

certo che c’è prioprio da capire le anamalie del consumer metrics rispetto al pil e le altre porcate di ism e dati regionali… descrivono una realtà completamente diversa, ma completamente…

Scritto il 1 Ottobre 2010 at 10:00

Concordo… vogliono ripetere l’esperimento Giapponese, in 20 anni avranno fatto fuori l’80% del valore reale… se non scoppia prima qualcos’altro…

Scritto il 1 Ottobre 2010 at 10:01

5 etf da controllare:

You can always count on one thing in the technology sector: Change! The cutting-edge inventions that fascinated us so much back in the 1990s are de rigueur now. Where will we be in ten years? I can only imagine.

As I said last year in my Trade Technology with ETFs column, playing tech trends with individual stocks is a high-risk game. You never know where the next big breakthrough will originate. Even a portfolio of 15-20 tech stocks might not catch the big winners.

The ideal solution: Exchange traded funds (ETFs). But you still have to know what you are buying. These days, the answer is not as easy as it might look.

Here’s the problem: “Technology” is a very broad term. You can take your pick of tech-oriented ETFs and mutual funds. The big ones will be composed of the same few dozen names — highly liquid stocks that won’t get anyone in trouble

Scritto il 1 Ottobre 2010 at 10:01

La strana coppia: Dollaro e commodities:

Technical analyst Chris Kimble weighs in on Commodities and the Dollar

Scritto il 1 Ottobre 2010 at 10:02

Una moneta debole equivale ad un default?

Here we go again: the dollar appears to be under sustained attack in the foreign exchange market. To judge from its latest FOMC statement, the Federal Reserve appears to be actively encouraging inflation: “The Committee will continue to monitor the economic outlook and financial developments and is prepared to provide additional accommodation if needed to support the economic recovery and to return inflation, over time, to levels consistent with its mandate” (my emphasis).

Is this tantamount to default, as many are now alleging? The crux of the “devaluation default” argument is that our “creditors” who “fund” our deficits will be paid back in increasingly worthless paper, and that this is tantamount to a default.

Scritto il 1 Ottobre 2010 at 10:03

La “Golden Cross” e la “Death Cross” nell’analisi…:

Remember the Death Cross on the Dow. We saw that a few months ago in early July, when the 50-day moving average dove below the 200-day moving average, and everyone said the world was coming to an end.

Well… that turned out to basically the bottom for the summer.

And now we’re getting the opposite. Bespoke observes were about to see the “Golden Cross,” as the 50-day moving average is about to cross above the 200-day moving average on the Dow.

That means we’re screwed, right?

Scritto il 1 Ottobre 2010 at 10:04

Un po’ OT ma segnalo l’articolo perche collega gli “ultimi giorni” con l’instabilita dei mercati:

World markets were mixed Thursday as investors booked profits at the end of a month of solid gains and amid upbeat signs about the U.S. economy. Ireland’s announcement that it would sink billions more into its failed banks was greeted with equanimity.

European stocks fluctuated all day, torn by worries of a flare-up in the debt crisis and hopes that governments were facing their debt problems head on.

U.S. jobs and growth figures later offered some support, but investors who have enjoyed the strongest gains for the month of September since 1939 seem to be taking their profits off the table.

Britain’s FTSE 100 closed down 0.4 percent at 5,548.62 while Germany’s DAX ended 0.3 percent lower at 6,229.02. France’s CAC-40 was down 0.6 percent at 3,715.18.

Asian markets closed lower and Wall Street slid after an initial rally. The Dow industrial average was down 0.6 percent at 10,773.22 while the Standard & Poor’s 500 fell 0.5 percent to 1,139.44.

Scritto il 1 Ottobre 2010 at 10:05

Cosa succedera’ prossimamente:

Now that gold is muscling its way towards $2,000 an ounce, the forces of ignorance embodied by post-secondary-accredited yet nonetheless clueless commentators are being given voice by government sponsored media outlets such as CNN. Tokyo Rose was the generic handle accorded to any of a dozen women who, during World War 2 broadcast programming designed to undermine the morale of American troops over the radio.

Coverage such as stories like today’s “The Case Against Gold” on CNN Money are designed to undermine the determination of gold accumulators who are genuinely frightened about the purchasing power of their dollars as their government ‘quantitatively eases’ the economy back onto its feet. By continuously counterfeiting fiat currencies and flooding the markets with such ersatz lucre, the final rush towards economic collapse is momentarily cushioned.

But make no mistake. The acceleration of the rate at which gold increases – the average has been $87 per year since 2000, and in the last 365 days from today, that number is $317 – is an analogous signal that the rate of deterioration of the global economic system as a whole is itself accelerating proportionately. Contrary to the misguided tone in the CNN article suggesting now is not the time to get into gold, the correct sentiment should be that now is the time to put ALL of your liquid, dollar –denominated wealth into gold. All of it.

Scritto il 1 Ottobre 2010 at 10:07

Il sistema finanziario, come lo conosciamo, e’ morto…:
Ci sentiamo dopo….

Politicians, economists, bankers and mainstream media financial pundits fail to acknowledge the obvious: the financial system as we have known it for a hundred years or so is dead. Literally.
In the financial system as we have known it, the central bank is at its heart: for each country, or rather a currency. It is regulating the money creation process. It is creating a lending base upon which commercial banks create a credit. In a nutshell if the economy is getting overheated, i.e. there is oversupply of money, sometimes called a “cheap credit”, and inflation increases above what is regarded as an acceptable target (usually pretty low, in single percentage figures), the central bank would raise the interest rate making borrowing more expensive. On the other side if inflation is too low, or growth is too stagnant, the central bank would lower the interest rate thereby lowering the costs of borrowing. The interest rate had to be above an inflation rate as otherwise lending would not have made commercial sense. This is an obvious wisdom. What is somewhat less obvious is why is it so? Why if the central bank raised or slashed interest rate, until the outbreak of the current financial crisis, all commercial banks had to follow? By no means this was regulated by any directives or government pressure. These were open market operations that worked until September 2008.

Scritto il 1 Ottobre 2010 at 10:12

GOOOOD MOOOOORNING VIETNAM !!!! (visto che siamo in guerra sui mercati… :mrgreen: )

Scritto il 1 Ottobre 2010 at 10:25


Miiinchia sto proprio albionizzandomi… ho messo una H davanti ad avranno come il verbo to Have… terribile….

Scritto il 1 Ottobre 2010 at 10:37


ma dove?

Scritto il 1 Ottobre 2010 at 10:51


Infatti, dove?
Io non ho visto un’acca!

Scritto il 1 Ottobre 2010 at 13:26

Ehy! Qualcuno l’ha fatta fuori….

Scritto il 1 Ottobre 2010 at 14:04


si si, sarà la sgnappa!! 🙂 ogni tanto capita anche a me ! 🙂

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