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Financial LINKS

Scritto il alle 08:45 da Danilo DT

Un elenco di siti e link finanziari proposti da I&M con la fonte da cliccare per la visualizzazione. Buona lettura!

Financial  Web Links

a)      ALLE 09.00 IntermarketAndMore su CLASS CNBC (LINK)

b)      REPORT: COT lancia un segnale fortissimo. Si inverte la tendenza dell’E-Mini SP 500. Segnale premonitore? (LINK)

c)      Weekend Chartology (LINK)

d)     La bolla nel mercato dei bonds (LINK)

e)      E l’argento vola ai massimi storici (LINK)

f)       Rallenta la corsa economica dell’Eurozona (LINK)

g)      La Cina non vuole rivalutare lo Yuan (LINK)

h)      FDIC Bank Failure (LINK)

i)        Flash crash scandaloso al Nasdaq (LINK)

j)        E’ guerra tra RIM e Apple: ecco il concorrente dell’IPad (LINK)

k)      Robert Pretcher: Dow Jones a…1000 punti… (LINK)

l)        Dagong: la SEC dice no. Mossa politica discriminante? (LINK)

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15 commenti Commenta
Scritto il 28 Settembre 2010 at 10:18

Qualche links, buona giornata:

Hai perso il treno nella corsa dell’oro:

If you haven’t been investing in the gold market, like I’ve been telling you to do, then not only are you missing the boat …

… but the boat you are in, whatever it may be, is most likely sinking — weighed down by the effects of all the Fed’s money printing, which will continue as far as the eye can see.

Just last week for instance …

The Federal Reserve bought a record $5.19 BILLION in U.S. Treasury bonds and Federal Agency mortgages, effectively printing more money than it did in any other week this year.

Equally important …

The Fed also announced that it will essentially stop at nothing to turn the economy around … that it stands ready to print money whenever it feels it needs to … and that it wants to spark inflation.

Haven’t I been telling you all along that this was going to happen?

That the Fed would stop at nothing to ignite inflation … print money like crazy — and that deflation had little chance of taking root in anything other than real estate or perhaps the latest tech product to come to market?

Scritto il 28 Settembre 2010 at 10:19

E’ una gara nella discesa delle monete e il vincitore sara’ l’oro…:

In 2010, any nation that has a weak currency has a very significant competitive advantage in global trade. A weak currency means that the products and services produced by that nation will be less expensive for other nations. Therefore other nations will buy more of those products and services. When exports go up, employment goes up and more wealth flows into the country. Alternatively, when the value of a national currency declines, exports do down, unemployment increases and less wealth flows into the country. Therefore, dozens of exporting nations around the globe have become increasingly determined to keep their national currencies very weak in an attempt to maintain a competitive advantage in the global marketplace. Essentially what we have is a race to the bottom among global currencies. Whenever any nation wants to gain a little bit more of an edge in global trade they push the value of their currency down just a little bit more. So who is the winner in all of this? Well, that is easy. Gold, silver and other precious metals will continue to be the winners as fiat currencies all over the globe continue to decline in value.

Scritto il 28 Settembre 2010 at 10:20

Tre avvertimenti dal governo per un fiasco finanziario:

For my family, fiscal balance is not — and never was — a partisan issue.

My father, for example, had little interest in politics but was passionate about savings, hard work and avoiding waste.

When I was a toddler, he used to sit me on his knee, teaching me and my older brother that money is not a toy or a game; it’s to be valued, kept in a piggy bank, and treated with due respect.

And later, by the time I was a teenager, that same lesson had evolved into an equally serious discussion about sound banking, avoiding excess debt and balancing the government’s books.

Scritto il 28 Settembre 2010 at 10:21

La banca Anglo Irish vale come la spazzatura…

The debt rating of Anglo Irish Bank was cut to almost junk status on Monday amid fears that the cost of bailing out the lender has cost more that a fifth of Ireland’s GDP.

Scritto il 28 Settembre 2010 at 10:22

Bisogni finanziari dei PIIGS:

A good chart from Barclays on how the various PIIGS are doing in terms of meeting their funding needs this year. Greece looks like it’s in a horrible situation, but actually it excludes money they’re getting from the bailout fund, so they’re not in quite as bad shape as it looks

Scritto il 28 Settembre 2010 at 10:22

Analisi contraria dell’FX:

Retail Traders as a herd are wrong…most of the time (sorry guys its true). This daily report is designed to help traders find opportunities to trade against this group. The premise is very simple we are looking for 66% of retail traders to be trading either long or short a currency pair, we then look for opportunities to fade (trade against) this group. For example if 72.99% of traders are long the USD/CHF we look for opportunities to short that pair. The pairs that we feel offer the highest opportunity for success are described in the Shortand Long Zones.

Scritto il 28 Settembre 2010 at 10:23

Quando gli zombie comprano oro:

Last week it looked like the feds’ efforts to reflate the US economy might be working. Gold was hitting one new high after another. Stocks were going up too.

The Dow rose nearly 200 points on Friday. Gold hit $1,300…but couldn’t close at that level. When trading came to an end gold was $2 short of the $1,300 mark.

What’s up? It’s hard to know. If gold is going up, analysts reasoned, it must mean something. What? The obvious explanation is that inflation is coming.

So the advisors told their clients to buy gold. The economy must be improving they said. The recession ended more than a year ago. The recovery hasn’t been as strong as anyone wanted. But there must be a recovery underway…and it must mean that inflation and gold will go up.

Scritto il 28 Settembre 2010 at 10:24

Profittare della cattiva economia tramite l’oro:

In case you didn’t hear the good news, the recession is over. The official announcement came last week. Yes, indeed, it ended last year. So we can all quit our belly aching and get back to what we were doing. Whew – Glad that’s over. Curious that this profound announcement comes 45 days prior to an election.

Regardless, many high net worth investors are not feeling the love. Bad enough are impending tax hikes and suffering practices and businesses. But throw in the fact that most asset based investments (other than gold) have been lackluster at best and you have a class of investors that is probably not yet ready to rejoice in the “slow but steady” growth.

Scritto il 28 Settembre 2010 at 10:25

Come l’iperinflazione realmente si sviluppa:

Below is an excerpt from a commentary originally posted at on 22nd September, 2010.

An article entitled “How Hyperinflation Will Happen” has garnered a lot of attention. According to this article:

“…hyperinflation is not an extension or amplification of inflation. Inflation and hyperinflation are two very distinct animals. They look the same — because in both cases, the currency loses its purchasing power — but they are not the same.

Inflation is when the economy overheats: It’s when an economy’s consumables (labor and commodities) are so in-demand because of economic growth, coupled with an expansionist credit environment, that the consumables rise in price. This forces all goods and services to rise in price as well, so that producers can keep up with costs. It is essentially a demand-driven phenomena.

Scritto il 28 Settembre 2010 at 10:25

L’oro e’ in bolla? Dimenticatevelo:

by Jonathan Kosares
With the number of financial bubbles inflating and bursting over the past decade and a half, it isn’t surprising that financial analysts have their “bubble-dar” honed and active. What is surprising though is the large number who have resoundingly dubbed the gold market as “the next big bubble.” But is it? Most gold owners reject claims that gold is in a bubble, but they might not be sure exactly why. The most concrete and convincing evidence against gold being in a bubble, though, is right in front of us.
In the last 15 years, there have been two generally acknowledged, easily quantifiable bubbles: NASDAQ’s tech bubble in 1999, and the briefer Crude Oil bubble in 2008. (Many would say housing was also a major bubble, but doing so may prove erroneous. Extreme home value loss is limited to certain areas of the country, and is not nearly as conclusive as the tech stock and oil collapses.)
Two characteristics are consistently present in the formation of a bubble. The first is magnitude, and the second is velocity. Long-term advances in prices do not necessarily represent a bubble just because of the duration, and neither does volatility as long as it is within a reasonable range. However, when prices rise sharply in a short period of time, and then drop sharply in an equally short period of time, one can reasonably conclude a bubble formed, and then burst. In other words, when magnitude and velocity combine to cause extreme volatility, that market likely is in a bubble.
Market bubbles defined
This study seeks to define exactly the level of volatility that separates a bubble from a non-bubble. One effective method for quantifying price volatility is to compare the daily price performance of a market against its 200-day moving average.

Scritto il 28 Settembre 2010 at 10:26

A chi credere?

Yet another survey highlights the difference between what the so-called experts have to say about the economy and what most people believe:

“Recession Not Over, Public Says” (CNN)

Seventy-four percent of Americans believe the economy is still in a recession.Economic experts may believe the recession is over, but try telling that to the public.

Seventy-four percent of Americans believe the economy is still in a recession, according to a new CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll. Only 25 percent think the downturn is over.

One-third of Americans say the recession is serious, while another 29 percent characterize it as moderate.

Scritto il 28 Settembre 2010 at 10:37

mario, consigli d’oro…

Scritto il 28 Settembre 2010 at 10:45

Mario ottimo come sempre…
ho solo un problema, il sistema mi vuole leggere come spam i tuoi commenti perchè richiamano sempre 2 blog.
Sarebbe possibile linake anzickè i blog, gli articoli originali, quindi il lo ro vero sito di provenienza?



Scritto il 28 Settembre 2010 at 12:01

Dream Theater,

Ciao, ti spiego come faccio, ricevo circa 800 articoli al giorno, li scorro velocemente e quelli che mi sembrano piu’ interessanti li carico su 3 blogs che ho creato apposta, di mattina, o quando ho tempo, li posto sul tuo blog, nei tre blogs c’e’ SEMPRE riportato il link per l’articolo originale, se postassi gli originali dovrei fare un copia incolla da disperato e mi costringerebbe a tralasciare la maggior parte di posts fuori orario…
Fammi sapere…

Scritto il 28 Settembre 2010 at 12:13

L’inghilterra va’ alla grande…:

Officials revised up construction growth to 9.5 percent, the most since 1963, from the 8.5 percent prior result. Photographer: Chris Ratcliffe/Bloomberg
The U.K. economy’s fastest quarter of growth in nine years was fuelled by the biggest jump in government spending since 2008 and a surge in construction.

Gross domestic product expanded 1.2 percent in the three months through June from the first quarter, unrevised from a previous measurement, the Office for National Statistics said today in London. The result matched the median forecast of 27 economists in a Bloomberg News survey.

The International Monetary Fund yesterday cut its 2011 economic growth forecast for the U.K. and said the Bank of England should be ready to add more stimulus if the recovery falters. Britain faces the prospect of the biggest spending cuts since World War II to tackle its record budget deficit.

“The more the contribution of government now, the more we’re going to miss it when it’s taken away,” Peter Dixon, an economist at Commerzbank AG in London, said in a telephone interview. “We’re going to see much slower growth.”

The pound rose as much as 0.2 percent against the dollar after the report, and traded at $1.5826 as of 9:38 a.m. in London. The yield on the benchmark two-year government bond was down 1 basis point today at 0.634 percent.

In the third estimate of GDP for the second quarter, the statistics office revised up its measure of government-spending growth to 1 percent from 0.3 percent because of late data, mostly from central government. That was the biggest increase in six quarters.

Investment, Spending

Fixed investment climbed 1.4 percent, up from a 2.4 percent drop previously measured, the statistics office said. Consumer- spending growth was unchanged at 0.7 percent. Business investment rose 0.7 percent in the quarter, officials said in a separate report.

Officials revised up construction growth to 9.5 percent, the most since 1963, from the 8.5 percent prior result. While industrial production and manufacturing were unchanged, services expansion was revised down by 0.1 percentage point to 0.6 percent, the statistics office said.

The IMF yesterday forecast U.K. growth of 2 percent in 2011, compared with a prediction in July of 2.1 percent.

“If the recovery were to weaken and increase disinflationary pressure, asset purchases should resume,” the fund said in a report. “Conversely, the central bank must stand ready to start a gradual tightening if output recovers apace and inflation continues to surprise on the upside.”

Unemployment, Housing

Recent data suggest the slowdown has already started. U.K. house prices dropped the most in 18 months in September, and the number of claims for unemployment benefits rose in August for the first time in seven months.

Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc, the nation’s biggest government-controlled bank, said this month it will eliminate 3,500 U.K. jobs to reduce costs. The Edinburgh-based lender swung into profit in the first six months of the year for the first time since 2007.

The Conservative-led coalition government is preparing expenditure cuts and tax increases totaling 113 billion pounds ($179 billion) to reduce a deficit that’s reached 11 percent of economic output. Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne will set budgets for each department on Oct. 20.

“It’s clear if we were to divert from that credible plan – – as some people have suggested we should — that would push the economy back into instability,” Osborne told Bloomberg Television yesterday.

BOE Stimulus

Bank of England policy makers signaled they’re moving closer to adding more stimulus to the economy after they held their bond-purchase plan at 200 billion pounds and left the benchmark interest rate at a record low of 0.5 percent, according to minutes of the Sept. 9 meeting published last week.

The household savings ratio, a measure of post-tax income hoarded by consumers, fell to 3.2 percent, the lowest since the third quarter of 2008, the statistics office said.

The current account deficit narrowed to 7.4 billion pounds in the second quarter. That was down from a revised 11.3 billion pounds in the first three months of the year, which was the largest gap since the third quarter of 2007.

To contact the reporter on this story: Jennifer Ryan in London at

To contact the editor responsible for this story: John Fraher at

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