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Financial LINKS

Scritto il alle 09:34 da Danilo DT

Un elenco di siti e link finanziari proposti da I&M con la fonte da cliccare per la visualizzazione. Buona lettura!

Financial  Web Links

a)      Non c’è problema! Dow Jones a 36000 punti! (LINK)

b)      QE 2.0 – quantitative easing seconda parte sulla bocca di tutti- John Mauldin –Ed Yardeni (LINK)

c)      C’è nè per tutti! Il numero due dei “consumer lender” giapponese è saltato (LINK)

d)     Anglo Irish: downgrade e nuove grane per l’Irlanda (LINK)

e)      Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index: inequivocabile (LINK)

f)       Consumer Metrics Institute: e I consumatori battono in ritirata (LINK)

g)      PIMCO: the new normal (LINK)

h)      FED: il tasso zero genererà nuove bolle? (LINK)

i)        Goldman Sachs Revolution: si mettono il vestito bearish e per il 2011 vedono quota 725-800 dello S&P 500 (LINK)

j)        L’oro può andare a 5000 $/oz? (LINK)

k)      La guerra delle valute (LINK)

l)        John Hussman: non siamo ancora usciti dalla crisi (LINK)

m)    Torna la mano invisibile (LINK)

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17 commenti Commenta
Scritto il 29 Settembre 2010 at 09:37

Qualche links, come al solito:
Inizio straordinariamente con un articolo positivo…. da Motley Fools

Solomon Gold announce a world class gold deposit and has seen its share price rocket over 1200%
We recommended the stock at 6p three months ago…..last week it traded as high as 80p…
Having a globally renowned team of mining analysts located in the southern hemisphere has its benefits… the ability to identify the most exciting gold prospects in areas which are rich in resources is one.
But what now?
Most investors find the toughest part is knowing when to sell!

We are offering all Motley Fool readers the recent Fat Prophets Members report on Solomon Gold, written on the 27th September 2010.

Away from the junior end of the market, in addition to your free Solomon Gold report we will also our ‘warts and all’ analysis of consumer goods giant Unilever, which has been hot on the acquisition trail: recently bidding £2.3bn for the owner of TRESemme which will make it a leader in hair products; and – hot off the press – the acquisition of Alberto Culver in the US.

Fat Prophets is very bullish on the Mining and Resources Sectors,our European Mining and Resource Report returned a staggering 96% last year!

Quite a contrast to the return your hard earned Money is yielding from a typical high street saving account, with interest rates being dire, the lowest in 350 years! Your money is in a deep coma…

96%, is what our European Mining and Resource Report returned last year! Yes 96% in one year!

Scritto il 29 Settembre 2010 at 09:38

Altroche oro…:

Investors have been paying close attention to the rally in gold prices, and while gold is likely headed higher, don’t overlook the ‘soft’ commodities. The prices of soft commodities, such as wheat, corn, coffee and cotton have been on fire. Coffee recently hit $2 a pound, a price not seen since 1998. Cotton is at $1 a pound, a 15-year high.

The best long-term commodity play is with food. The world’s supply of farmland is shrinking because of development combined with a growing emerging market — especially China and India — middle class will force up food prices for years to come. The world’s best food companies aren’t found in Asia but are instead in the United States.

The United States has been running massive trade deficits for years, but food is one of the few U.S. industries that has been a net exporter. Watch my video to learn how you can profit from this multi-decade trend and my three favorite U.S.-based food stocks.

Scritto il 29 Settembre 2010 at 09:39

Un azzardo comprare fondi obbligazionari ora…:

A number of us here at Weiss have been warning you about the dangers of buying bonds in this ultra-low-interest-rate environment, especially longer-dated U.S. Treasuries.

But as I recently told my Dad’s Income Portfolio subscribers, I think mainstream investors are still ignoring the risks they’re taking with bonds, particularly when it comes to fixed-income mutual funds and exchange-traded funds.

And this topic is so important that I want to explore it a little more today with you. After all

Scritto il 29 Settembre 2010 at 09:40

L’America sospende la vendita di monete doro:

The U.S. Mint suspended sales of its 1-ounce “American Eagle” gold coins after soaring commodity prices led collectors and investors to deplete supplies.
It is the first time in two decades that the Mint halted sales of the coins, which are made of 22-carat gold from domestic mines. The coins also contain small amounts of alloy for hardening.

Scritto il 29 Settembre 2010 at 09:41

Fallisce il secondo Lender Giapponese:

Earlier today, Japan’s second largest consumer lender, Takefuji sought legal protection of bankruptcy. The source of its woes, and apparently others in that space, is that the borrowers were overcharged interest. Japan’s regulator says that Japanese consumers were overcharged some JPY4.4 trillion. Takefuji has over a million clients. About 113k have already filed claims to be reimbursed some JPY171 bln from Takefuji and some estimates suggest the figure could rise toward JPY1 trillion.

Takefuji is the second largest bankruptcy in Japan this year behind Japan Airlines. There three other large consumer lenders in Japan and their share prices have also fallen. They are Aiful, Promise and Acom. Promise appears to be the only one that owned in part by a bank, which some observers think fare better because of that.
The customers of the Japanese consumer lenders tend to be from lower income households and the problems in that space, including today’s bankruptcy filing, is likely a negative for consumer sentiment. Although we note that most Topix companies went ex-dividend today, the Topix Bank share index was is within remains near the multi-year low set earlier this month

Scritto il 29 Settembre 2010 at 09:41

Difficile prevedere lo scoppio di una bolla:

Understanding the chemistry that fuels stock market bubbles is a difficult and complex study that even risk aversion professionals have a hard time grasping. So I wondered, is there any chance that we as first-time or even some of the seasoned retail investors can anticipate or predict, with even the most modest certainty, when and how these investment and asset bubbles will pop in the future?

I think the answer is no, not really. I do, however, believe that with just a little diligent effort in analyzing the patterns of previous bubbles, perhaps we can at least avoid them. Let’s face it; bubbles not only exist and contributed almost first-handedly to the Great Recession and the financial crisis of 2008, but the phenomenon will continue and is almost guaranteed to happen again – maybe even sooner rather than later.

Let’s start by looking at some of the U.S. history’s biggest pops and use the knowledge and lessons learned in applying them to our hunt for today’s stock market or asset bubble

Scritto il 29 Settembre 2010 at 09:42

La sola ragione perche’ e’ salito il mercato:

The Fed generally claims that it stopped its first Quantitative Easing (QE) program back in March 2010 and that there were no additional debt monetizations between then and the announcement of its QE lite program in August.

Yet, as I’ve proven time and again, the Fed has continued to monetize Wall Street’s debts EVERY options expiration week since QE 1 ended… proving beyond a doubt that the Fed’s QE program did NOT actually end in March.

Here’s the chart of the Fed’s recent actions for those of you who haven’t seen this before. Options expiration weeks are in bold.

Scritto il 29 Settembre 2010 at 09:43

E’ finito il cassettista?

In the midst of the so-called “Lost Decade,” pundits continue to talk about the death of “buy and hold” (B&H) investing. I guess it probably makes sense to define B&H first before discussing it, but like most amorphous financial concepts, there is no clear cut definition. According to some strict B&H interpreters, B&H means buy and hold forever (i.e., buy today and carry to your grave). For other more forgiving Wall Street lexicon analysts, B&H could mean a multi-year timeframe. However, with the advent of high frequency trading (HFT) and supercomputers, the speed of trading has only accelerated further to milliseconds, microseconds, and even nanoseconds. Pretty soon B&H will be considered buying a stock and holding it for a day! Average mutual fund turnover (holding periods) has already declined from about 6 years in the 1950s to about 11 months in the 2000s according to John Bogle.

Technology and the lower costs associated with trading advancements is obviously a key driver to shortened investment horizons, but even after these developments, professionals success in beating the market is less clear. Passive gurus Burton Malkiel and John Bogle have consistently asserted that 75% or more of professional money managers underperform benchmarks and passive investment vehicles (e.g., index funds and exchange traded funds).

Scritto il 29 Settembre 2010 at 09:44

Una facile previsione:

Two things are happening. It’s that easy sometimes. Either the economy is going to get better by itself, in the next 3 months and what assets are going to do well? You can guess what assets will do well – stocks are going to do well, bonds won’t do so well, gold won’t do as well. OR The economy is not going to pick up in the next three months and the Fed is going to come in with QE. Right? Then what’s going to do well? Everything! In the near term – Everything!

Scritto il 29 Settembre 2010 at 09:45

Le banche continuano a fallire…:

SEPTEMBER 27, 2010
Banks Keep Failing, No End in Sight
Since WaMu Fell, 279 Lenders Have Collapsed; Lost Jobs, Curtailed Lending and the Big Get Bigger
By Randall Smith And Robin Sidel

The largest number of bank failures in nearly 20 years has eliminated jobs, accelerated a drought in lending and left the industry’s survivors with more power to squeeze customers.
Some 279 banks have collapsed since Sept. 25, 2008, when Washington Mutual Inc. became the biggest bank failure on record. That dwarfed the 1984 demise of Continental Illinois, which had only one-seventh of WaMu’s assets. The failures of the past two years shattered the pace of the prior six-year period, when only three dozen banks died.
Two more banks went down last Friday, and failures are expected to “persist for some time,” according to a report issued Tuesday by Standard & Poor’s. In the second quarter of this year, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. increased its number of problem banks by 6% to 829.
Between failures and consolidation, the number of U.S. banks could fall to 5,000 over the next decade from the current 7,932, according to the top executive of investment-banking firm Keefe, Bruyette & Woods Inc.

    Scritto il 29 Settembre 2010 at 10:59

    Ciao Mario…
    Come ti hodetto ieri, l’antispam mi sta dicendo che ci sono problemi con i link che posti. Essendo di due blog, me li vuole segnalare come spam. Sarebbe meglio, se possibile, linkare direttamente il SITO ORIGINALE da dove vengono presi gli articoli.

Scritto il 29 Settembre 2010 at 13:52

Ti ho risposto ieri, fammi sapere…

    Scritto il 29 Settembre 2010 at 14:49

    Ok Mario, mi era sfuggita la risposta.
    Fai come puoi, io cercherò di tenere sotto controllo l’antispam.
    La cosa migliore sarebbe cirate anche qui il link originario, ma fai tu!


Scritto il 29 Settembre 2010 at 14:06

Come i fondi ti mangiano i rendimenti…:

Any old Fool knows that investment fund charges eat into your returns over time. But they don’t just take a modest nibble. Given time, they will gobble up a huge portion of your returns.

Incredibly, if you give them long enough, the average fund manager will wolf down more of your money than you invested in the first place, making you thousands of pounds poorer in the process. Don’t scoff, as my editor did when I pointed out this strange and alarming fact, just look at the figures.

Scritto il 29 Settembre 2010 at 20:49

Questa sera forse lo S&P supererà 1150,23.

Chi potrebbe dirlo ❓

Scritto il 29 Settembre 2010 at 21:30

Dream Theater,

Provero’ a linkare gli originali del momento… per mescolare un po’ la provenienza…
fammici pensare..

Scritto il 29 Settembre 2010 at 22:24

Anche stasera è andata buca, ma entro venerdì lo S&P ce la farà. 😉

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