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Fitch: dopo lo Stato, accanimento anche sulle banche italiane

Scritto il alle 19:09 da Danilo DT

Dopo il downgrading di qualche giorno fa, Fitch ha deciso di abbassare il rating anche delle banche italiane più note che, ovviamente, sono legate da un chiaro filo conduttore con il debito sovrano.
E l’elenco dei downgrade è veramente lungo e complesso.
Le motivazioni sono sempre le solite. Scenario economico difficile, recessioni, deterioramento della qualità del credito e tutto quanto ormai conosciamo a memoria

Eccovi l’elenco completo dei downgrade.

Agos Ducato
Long-term IDR: downgraded to ‘A-‘ from ‘A’; Outlook Negative
Short-term IDR: affirmed at ‘F1’
Support Rating: affirmed at ‘1’

Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena:
Long-term IDR: affirmed at ‘BBB’; Outlook revised to Negative from Stable
Short-term IDR: affirmed at ‘F3’
VR: ‘b’ RWN; unaffected
Support Rating: affirmed at ‘2’
Support Rating Floor: affirmed at ‘BBB’
Debt issuance programme (senior debt): affirmed at ‘BBB’
Senior unsecured debt, including guaranteed notes: affirmed at ‘BBB’
Lower Tier 2 subordinated debt: ‘B-‘ RWN; unaffected
Upper Tier 2 subordinated debt: ‘CCC’; unaffected
Preferred stock and Tier 1 notes: ‘CC’; unaffected

Banca Antonveneta:
Long-term IDR: affirmed at ‘BBB’; Outlook revised to Negative from Stable
Short-term IDR: affirmed at ‘F3’
Support Rating: affirmed at ‘2’

Banca Nazionale del Lavoro
Long-term IDR: downgraded to ‘A-‘ from ‘A’; Outlook Negative (ndr: è francese!)
Short-term IDR: affirmed at ‘F1’
VR: ‘bbb’; unaffected
Support Rating: affirmed at ‘1’
Senior debt: downgraded to ‘A-‘ from ‘A’

Banco Popolare:
Long-term IDR: affirmed at ‘BBB’; Outlook revised to Negative from Stable
Short-term IDR: affirmed at ‘F3’
VR: ‘bbb’; unaffected
Support Rating: affirmed at ‘2’
Support Rating Floor: affirmed at ‘BBB’
Senior debt (including programme ratings and guaranteed notes): affirmed at ‘BBB/F3’
Commercial paper: affirmed at ‘F3’
Lower Tier 2 subordinated debt: ‘BBB-‘; unaffected
Preferred stock and junior subordinated debt: ‘BB-‘; unaffected

Banca Italease:
Long-term IDR: affirmed at ‘BBB’; Outlook revised to Negative from Stable
Short-term IDR: affirmed at ‘F3’
Support Rating: affirmed at ‘2’
Senior debt and programme ratings: affirmed at ‘BBB’
Market linked securities: affirmed at ‘BBBemr’
Lower Tier 2 subordinated debt: ‘BBB-‘; unaffected
Trust preferred securities: ‘C’; unaffected

Banca Aletti & C. S.p.A.:
Long-term IDR: affirmed at ‘BBB’; Outlook revised to Negative from Stable
Short-term IDR: affirmed at ‘F3’
Support Rating: affirmed at ‘2’

Credito Bergamasco:
Long-term IDR: affirmed at ‘BBB’; Outlook revised to Negative from Stable
Short-term IDR: affirmed at ‘F3’
Support Rating: affirmed at ‘2’

Iccrea Holding S.p.A.
Long-term IDR: ‘BBB+’; Outlook Negative; unaffected
Short-term IDR: ‘F2’; unaffected
VR: ‘bbb+’; unaffected
Support Rating: affirmed at ‘2’
Support Rating Floor: affirmed at ‘BBB’

The ratings of Iccrea Banca S.pA. and Iccrea BancaImpresa are not affected by today’s rating action.

Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A.
Long-term IDR: downgraded to ‘BBB+’ from ‘A-‘; Outlook Negative
Short-term IDR: affirmed at ‘F2’
VR: downgraded to ‘bbb+’ from ‘a-‘
Support Rating: affirmed at ‘2’
Support Rating Floor: revised to ‘BBB’ from ‘BBB+’
Senior debt (including debt issuance programmes and guaranteed notes): Long-term rating downgraded to ‘BBB+’ from ‘A-‘; Short-term rating affirmed at ‘F2’
Commercial paper/certificate of deposit programmes: affirmed at ‘F2’
Senior market-linked notes: downgraded to ‘BBB+emr’ from ‘A-emr’
Subordinated lower Tier II debt: downgraded to ‘BBB’ from ‘BBB+’
Subordinated upper Tier II debt: downgraded to ‘BB+’ from ‘BBB-‘
Tier 1 instruments (XS0545782020, XS0371711663, XS0456541506, XS0388841669): downgraded to ‘BB’ from ‘BB+’

Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze:
Long-term IDR: downgraded to ‘BBB+’ from ‘A-‘; Outlook Negative
Short-term IDR: affirmed at ‘F2’
Support Rating: downgraded to ‘2’ from ‘1’
Senior debt (including programme ratings): downgraded to ‘BBB+’ from ‘A-‘
Upper Tier 2 instruments: downgraded to ‘BB+’ from ‘BBB-‘

Banca IMI S.p.A.:
Long-term IDR: downgraded to ‘BBB+’ from ‘A-‘; Outlook Negative
Short-term IDR: affirmed at ‘F2’
Support Rating: downgraded to ‘2’ from ‘1’
Senior debt (including programme ratings): downgraded to ‘BBB+’ from ‘A-‘

Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Ireland plc
Commercial Paper/Short-term debt affirmed at ‘F2’
Senior unsecured debt (guaranteed by Intesa Sanpaolo, including programme ratings): downgraded to ‘BBB+’ from ‘A-‘

Societe Europeenne de Banque SA:
Commercial Paper and Short-term debt (guaranteed by Intesa Sanpaolo): affirmed at ‘F2’

Intesa Funding LLC
US Commercial Paper Programme: affirmed at ‘F2’

UBI Banca:
Long-term IDR: ‘BBB+’; Outlook Negative; unaffected
Short-term IDR: ‘F2’; unaffected
VR: ‘bbb+’; unaffected
Support Rating: affirmed at ‘2’
Support Rating Floor: affirmed at ‘BBB’
Senior debt (including programme ratings): ‘BBB+’; unaffected
Commercial Paper Programme/Short-term debt: ‘F2’; unaffected
Subordinated Lower Tier 2 debt: ‘BBB’; unaffected
Preference stock and hybrid instruments: ‘BB’; unaffected

UniCredit S.p.A.:
Long Term IDR: downgraded to ‘BBB+’ from ‘A-‘; Outlook Negative
Short Term IDR: affirmed at ‘F2’
VR: downgraded to ‘bbb+’ from ‘a-‘
Support Rating: affirmed at ‘2’
Support Rating Floor: revised to ‘BBB’ from ‘BBB+’
Senior unsecured debt: downgraded to ‘BBB+’ from ‘A-‘
Guaranteed senior unsecured notes: downgraded to ‘BBB+’ from ‘A-‘
Market-linked notes: downgraded to ‘BBB+emr’ from ‘A-(emr)’
Lower Tier 2 notes: downgraded to ‘BBB’ from ‘BBB+’
Upper Tier 2 notes: downgraded to ‘BB+’ from ‘BBB-‘
Preferred stock: downgraded to ‘BB’ from ‘BB+’

UniCredit Bank (Ireland) p.l.c. (no issuer ratings assigned):
Senior unsecured notes: downgraded to ‘BBB+’ from ‘A-‘
Guaranteed senior unsecured notes: downgraded to ‘BBB+’ from ‘A-‘

Per ulteriori informazioni, cliccate QUI. 



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1 commento Commenta
Scritto il 18 Marzo 2013 at 22:09

Bene, a questo punto chi parla di credibilitá internazionale riacquistata può essere liberamente insultato!

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