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ARGENTINA: news sul default. Deadline al 24 luglio.

Scritto il alle 17:08 da Danilo DT

In molti mi avete chiesto via email delle news sulla situazione della crisi Argentina, paese ormai ad un passo dall’ennesimo default.
Notizia di Reuters di poche ore fa:

LONDON/BUENOS AIRES (Reuters)  – Argentina’s debt talks have gone cold with the country at loggerheads with its creditors over the legal terms of a $65 billion bond restructuring after coming tantalisingly close to a financial agreement. Argentina’s government extended a deadline for talks earlier this month to July 24, the biggest delay yet, to allow time to defuse tensions.
With the two sides only a whisker apart in terms of valuation of their proposals, the wrangling has shifted to the collective action clauses (CACs) which determine the requirements for any future changes made to the bond agreements.
“The next phase may focus more on legal as opposed to financial terms,” said Siobhan Morden, head of Latin America fixed income strategy at Amherst Pierpont Securities.

La ristrutturazione di 65 miliardi non è ancora stata accettata e l’Argentina tenta la strada dela negoziazione ad oltranza prorogando ancora una volta i termini. 24 luglio la nuova dead line. Nell’articolo citato e che potete leggere cliccando QUI troverete tutti i dettagli.
In italiano CLICCA QUI. 


Danilo DT

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