TOP CHARTS: #15luglio
Vi propongo alcuni dei grafici più interessanti che ho trovato nelle ultime 24 ore in rete. Possono essere una buona base di discussione, sia per essere criticati che magari meglio analizzati.
E se voi avete altre proposte, i commenti sono a Vs disposizione!
Qualcuno ha ragionato sul fatto che, con questo lockdown prima e recessione da Covid-19 dopo, collasseranno anche le entrate fiscali per gli stati?
Corporate tax receipts for Q2 just collapsed by over 90% YoY!
The government can’t afford to give low tax rates & other breaks for too long.
Stocks are clearly ignoring this risk at record valuations today.
— Otavio (Tavi) Costa (@TaviCosta) July 14, 2020
Alla faccia dell’immunità di gregge… qualcuno non dovrebbe cominciare a preoccuparsi?
America was well on the path to complete reopening before the recent surge in new #covid19 infections caused many to reconsider. AZ, CA, TX & FL have all decided to close bars, beaches, clubs & gyms in June, with more states following by mid-July.
— Statista (@StatistaCharts) July 14, 2020
Most states, a total of 35, are well below the mitigation target — that means 80 percent of the target or less. The five states with the worst performance with tests have stayed about the same since we started tracking.
— Keith Collins (@collinskeith) July 13, 2020
Guardare avanti, guardare al futuro. E Covid-19 ha accelerato certi processi.
Rapid adoption of #AI by industry verticals such as automotive, healthcare, retail, finance, and manufacturing to enhance productivity will propel the global #AI market to grow from $39.9 billion in 2019 to reach $733.7 billion in 2027, with a CAGR of 42.2% from 2020 to 2027.
— Dr.Omkar Rai #StayHome? #StaySafe?? (@Omkar_Raii) July 14, 2020
Guardare avanti parte II. Il futuro purtroppo non sarà della buon vecchio mondo. E se Germania e Giappone perderanno posizioni, che fine farà l’Italia?
Emerging economies are snatching up a bigger share of global purchasing power while some traditional powers are struggling to keep up. China is expected to remain on top and double its power by 2060. Germany & Japan are both predicted to drop.
— Statista (@StatistaCharts) July 14, 2020
Il mondo in recessione? Si, ma sarà recessione praticamente per TUTTI. O quasi.
China helped pull the world out of a recession after the 2008-09 crisis. Don’t expect a repeat performance via @WSJ
— WSJ Graphics (@WSJGraphics) July 13, 2020
Istantanea da Wall Street
Another wild intraday move (led by Energy today) with all sectors rising … yet, Energy remains clear laggard from 6/8 peak, while Tech & Consumer Discretionary still remain in lead … growth & value lifted as well, with no major change in longer-term leadership
— Liz Ann Sonders (@LizAnnSonders) July 14, 2020
The digital economy wins the COVID world – @SoberLook @ISABELNET_SA @jpmorgan
— Rob Hager (@Rob_Hager) July 14, 2020
HOUSTON…We have a problem. La Forbice si è allargata in modo preoccupante. E se il futuro non ci sorriderà…come la mettiamo?
US Federal government receipts and expenditures. Deficit has EXPLODED in 2020. Mercifully. How the scissors close over the next few months will be decisive for development of economy, labour market and social crisis in the US. @OxfordEconomics via @SoberLook
— Adam Tooze (@adam_tooze) July 14, 2020