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Rassegna stampa e link finanziari: 16 marzo 2011
L’Europa decide stress test per le centrali, a Roma si litiga. – Lettera43
Dove potrebbero nascere le centrali nucleari in Italia |
U.S. millionaires say $7 million not enough to be rich | Reuters
Italy’s Nuclear Referendum Has That Déjà Vu Feeling – The Source – WSJ
Marc Faber On The Japanese Disaster, On A 20% Market Correction And On QE18 | zero hedge Rumor Nikkei To Remain Closed For Rest Of Week On “Margin Issues” | zero hedge
The FOMC Leaves Fed Policy Unchanged – CBS
Le economie emergenti vogliono andare avanti con progetti nucleari –
U.K. Nuclear Ambitions Blunted by Disaster Unfolding in Japan – The Source – WSJ
Sovereign debt: How will Japan pay for reconstruction? | The Economist
FT Alphaville » Japan’s banks already facing stock losses, CreditSights says
A Japan Investing Strategy for the Bold –
Credit Suisse On The Multiple Reasons Stocks Will Rebound In Japan
CBOE Volatility Index (CBOE: VIX) Moves Higher | InvestorPlace
Bespoke Investment Group – Think BIG – A Look at the Nikkei’s Fall; Now in a Bear Market
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