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ECRI Index: aggiornamento

Scritto il alle 16:35 da Danilo DT

Grafico ECRI Index aggiornato (H 16.30): -9.80 !

Continua la debacle dell’ECRI Index, abbreviazione dell’ECRI Weekly Economic Leading Index. Ennesima discesa ceh va aconfermare tutti i nostri timori, e i dati macro usciti nelgli ultimi giorni.

Non per ultimo anche il dato sull’indice di Fiducia dell’Università del Michigan.

July 16 (Bloomberg) — Confidence among U.S. consumers slumped in July to the lowest level in a year, signaling the biggest part of the economy is losing momentum. The Thomson Reuters/University of Michigan preliminary index of consumer sentiment decreased to 66.5, the lowest since August 2009, from 76 in June. The reading was lower than the most pessimistic forecast of economists in a Bloomberg News survey with a median projection of 74.
Employment growth has been slow to evolve, household wealth is shrinking and concerns about a spillover from the European debt crisis have led to swings in the stock market. A lack of confidence may further restrain consumer spending, which accounts for 70 percent of the economy, and limit the speed of the economic recovery in coming months.
“Confidence will stay at a low level until we see meaningful declines in unemployment,” David Semmens, an economist at Standard Chartered Bank in New York, said before the report. “Consumer spending will be weaker in the second half. It’ll be a mediocre recovery.”
Estimates for the confidence measure ranged from 71 to 78, according to the Bloomberg survey of 62 economists. The 9.5- point decline in the index was the biggest since October 2008.

 Atteso a 74, uscito a 66. Non male direi…



Grafici e dati elaborati da Intermarket&more sulla database Bloomberg

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