Market Arena (22-07-10) BernyBear

Scritto il alle 09:43 da Danilo DT

Il buon Bernanke fa la frittata. O se preferite, rovina la festa ai longhisti. Ma cosa avrà mai detto di così tremendo Ben Bernanke. Assolutamente nulla che noi non sappiamo. Semplicemente ha detto che la ripresa si è indebolita e che la FED al momento non prevede mosse particolari. Quindi? Tutto come previsto. E la borsa che fa? Scende, -1.28%…apparentemente senza un senso perché erano cose arcinote. Ma tutto fa pretesto. Ed ecco quindi un eccellente scenario per organizzare la correzione.


July 22 (Bloomberg) — Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke signaled he needs to see signs of deeper weakness in the economy before pushing the bounds of monetary policy further. The Fed’s near-zero interest rates and record balance sheet are already “very stimulative,” Bernanke said yesterday in Senate testimony. He outlined possible options “if the recovery seems to be faltering,” including amplifying the commitment to low borrowing costs, while cautioning that officials haven’t fully reviewed the measures.
While Bernanke left the door open to additional steps, he said nothing would happen in the “near term.” The Fed chief devoted a bigger portion of his prepared testimony to how the Fed would eventually withdraw its unprecedented credit expansion.
“We’d have to be staring at a more significant redevelopment of financial crises or a more detrimental downturn in activity to provoke a significant policy response,” said Keith Hembre, chief economist at U.S. Bancorp’s FAF Advisors Inc. in Minneapolis and a former Fed researcher. “That’s probably a disappointment to some in the market that anticipate that every time when the market isn’t continuing to steadily go up it requires policy makers to do something,” said Hembre, whose firm oversees more than $91 billion.
U.S. stocks fell and Treasuries rose yesterday. The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index dropped 1.3 percent to 1,069.59 at the 4 p.m. close of trading in New York. Yields on two-year Treasury securities fell to 0.552 percent, the fourth record low in five days.


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a)      Ben Bernanke: ripresa debole e nessuna misura (AP)

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c)      Kenneth Rogoff: tra impulsi fiscali e ripresa (FT)

d)     Il miglior stimolo ? E’ un taglio del debito pubblico (Daily Beast)

e)      Chi compra tutto qeusto debito USA? (Econobrowser)

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