in caricamento ...
National Atlantic Holdings Corporation (NAHC)
Scritto il 23 Marzo 2006 alle 13:41 da
National Atlantic Holdings Corporation (NAHC), through its principal subsidiary, Proformance Insurance Company, provides personal lines property and casualty insurance, predominantly automobile insurance in New Jersey, the United States. The company also provides reinsurance, case management, and medical cost containment services. NAHC was incorporated in 1994 and is based in Freehold, New Jersey.
P/E stim. 2006 -> 7.092
P/BV -> 0.80 !
Cash Flow/Basic share -> 13.90
ROE -> 29.67
ROA -> 5.68
Mi risulta che I dirigenti se ne stiano comprando a piene mani… Da tenere in seira considerazione…
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